A simple one-file Zig library for reading and writing WAV files (uncompressed PCM format only). Does not provide any transcoding.
Tested to work with Zig 0.12.1 and 0.13.0.
Reading wav files:
const reader = // any std.io.Reader
// preload: load the format information (sample rate, etc) and leave the
// reader in position to start reading actual data.
const preloaded = try wav.preload(reader);
// you can inspect the preloaded info. supported formats are .unsigned8,
// .signed16_lsb, .signed24_lsb, and .signed32_lsb.
_ = preloaded.num_channels;
_ = preloaded.sample_rate;
_ = preloaded.format;
_ = preloaded.num_samples;
// now, you can read the audio data.
const num_bytes = preloaded.getNumBytes();
const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, num_bytes);
defer allocator.free(buffer);
if (do_it_yourself) {
try reader.readNoEof(buffer);
} else {
// this is just a wrapper around readNoEof
try wav.load(reader, preloaded, buffer);
Writing wav files:
const writer = // any std.io.Writer
if (all_at_once) {
// write the whole file at once
try wav.save(writer, data, .{
.num_channels = 1,
.sample_rate = 44100,
.format = .signed16_lsb,
} else {
// or if you want to stream out:
try wav.writeHeader(writer, .{
.num_channels = 1,
.sample_rate = 44100,
.format = .signed16_lsb,
// now write bytes as they become available.
// if you have a SeekableStream with your Writer, you can now go back and
// update the header:
try patchHeader(writer, seekable_stream, num_bytes_written);