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Private NuGet feed to store your packages

Getting Started

  1. Install .NET Core v.2.1+, Node.js v.8.9+ (if you haven't it). See notes below for more information
  2. Clone a current repository
  3. Navigate to .\LocalNuGetFeed\LocalNugetFeed\ClientApp
  4. Run the npm install command
  5. Run the ng build --prod --aot command. See notes below if you're using macOS before running ng build command
  6. Move up on one level up to .\LocalNuGetFeed\LocalNugetFeed\
  7. Build the service project by dotnet build command
  8. Start the service by dotnet run --environment=Production command
  9. Open the URL http://localhost:5000/ in your browser


  • Check the version of npm which should be 5.5.1 or higher, also you can upgrade it using the following command:

npm install -g npm

  • If you're running a service on macOS and you don't have globally installed angular/cli package, then you should run the next command:

$ alias ng="./localnugetfeed/localnugetfeed/clientapp/node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng"

How to push NuGet package

Run the below command:

dotnet nuget push -s http://localhost:5000/v3/index.json {PackageFilePath}.nupkg

where {PackageFilePath} is the path to your NuGet package

Running service on Docker

You can run this service on Docker.

  1. Build the docker image by the following command: docker build -t localnugetfeed .

Make sure that command was successfully completed to start use your tagged docker image localnugetfeed:latest

  1. Run the docker run --rm -it --name localnugetfeed -p 5555:80 localnugetfeed:latest command

  2. Push nuget package using the next command: dotnet nuget push -s http://localhost:5555/v3/index.json {PackageFilePath}.nupkg

  3. Open the URL http://localhost:5555/ in your browser and try to search for your packages


Private NuGet feed to store your packages






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