by Ciaran, Dana, Dev, and Prath
Our web app allows an user to login through Spotify, then search for songs so that lyrics can be pulled from the Genius API and analyzed through the IBM Watson API. The tone of songs are displayed on the reports page, and additional songs can be searched for on the songs page.
Project - This is the original project proposal which includes both options we considered.
The following user stories were updated to reflect the final project version: - Login - Logout - Songs Page - Reports Page - This document describes the changes we made in the scope of the project. - This document is for assignment 3 and descibes the frameworks we considered, and how we came to choose Django for the project.
prototypeVideoDemo.mkv - This is the video for assignment 3 showing the working prototype.
cs411presentation.mp4 - This is the video presentation for the final deliverable that walks through the application from the user's perspective, mentions significant challenges & solutions, and next steps.
The project was done progressively through the Git Repo, and all major changes are recorded there. The 'prototype' branch contains the code for the assignment 3 prototype, and master contains the final version.
Spotify keys are needed for authentication via Spotify - create one here and should be inserted in at lines 128-9.
You must have an IBM cloud account to use the ToneAnalyzer which can be found here. Additionally, a subscription to ToneAnalyzer is required for an API key which can be found here. Insert the API key into at line 127.
To run the application, activate the virtual environment which can be found in prototype/venv. Next, run 'python runserver' and type 'localhost:8000' into your browser.