Docofossor is a collection of landscape modeling components in 2.5D with distance functions. It is used as a component library for Rhino 3D Grasshopper. It is developed to model cut and fill operations by a robotic excavator in landscape architectural design. It allows a continues transformation of the topography by point, path, area or surface on a digital terrain model (DTM). It is written in Python and free to use (MIT License).
In the grasshopper window, go to file > special folders > components
then copy the .ghpy file there
Click here for the full documentation of all the components of Docofossor.
- Oktober 21, 2019: v 0.904 Fixed another issue in dfCutInPoint, dfFillInPoint
- September 12, 2019: v 0.903 Fixed an issue in dfCutInPoint, dfFillInPoint
- August 26, 2019: v 0.902 Many bug fixes and new .asc file importer and exporter
- May 24, 2019: v 0.901 Public Release of Docofossor
Mathias Bernhard / / DBT - Digital Building Technologies / ETH Zurich / github: @worbit
Ilmar Hurkxkens / / Chair of Landscape Architecture / Professor Christophe Girot / ETH Zurich / github: @ilmihur