Sequential Stratified Regeneration: MCMC for Large State Spaces with an Application to Subgraph Counting Estimation
This project contains the framework used in the paper "Sequential Stratified Regeneration: MCMC for Large State Spaces with an Application to Subgraph Counting Estimation" available here.
The datasets used in the paper are available in SNAP. Please, apply the script "" to put the graph in Ripple's format.
For Cmake
instructions check below
Besides g++ compiler (version 5.4), we need to install the follow libraries in order to compile Ripple:
Run the follow command in the root directory:
The applications are available in the direction apps. For example, the graph pattern mining application which uses Ripple to count subgraphs is in the directory apps/ripple. To compile a particular application we need to execute the follow command in such application directory:
Then, a executable (binary) will be generated and we can run the application and get a description of its parameters by executing the follow command line:
./app -h
# Modify to add desired location and then sync
./sync <remote folder name> <1 for full 0 for partial>
# Configure
# On Mac Local
brew install boost
brew install tbb
brew install gsl
brew install google-sparsehash
# On a linux machine running `GCC 7+` create or update your conda environment using
# First time
conda env create --file ripple.yml
# Checking Environment
conda env update --file ripple.yml --prune
# Running Live
./app -i data/yeastbigcomp-sl.gph -o out.txt -k 6 -t 10 -c ./apps/matrioska/config.txt
## License
This project is licensed under the GNU LGPL.