DOOM Eternal patcher for modding purposes.
This tool patches the DOOM Eternal game executable for modding purposes. The patches are defined in a "patch definitions file" that is automatically downloaded and updated from the update server specified in the configuration file.
Official DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal modding Discord server:
- User friendly GUI to make patching the game easy.
- Backs up the game executable before applying patches (optional)
- Automatic updates for the patch definitions.
- Can be used through the command-line, no need for the GUI.
This tool can also be used through the command-line without using the GUI. The following arguments can be used:
--update - Checks for updates and downloads them if available
--patch <file path> - Patches the given game executable
The update server can be configured in the configuration file of the application by changing the "UpdateServer" key. The specified server must serve the following files:
- EternalPatcher.def
- File containing the patch definitions. This is the file that is downloaded.
- EternalPatcher.md5
- File containing the MD5 checksum of the patch definitions file above. This file must be a one-liner with no line breaks. This is the file used to check for updates.
The default update server specified in the configuration file is hosted by myself and I will keep the patch definitions updated.
An example of a patch definitions file and it's syntax:
# game build definitions
# id=executable name:md5 checksum:patch group ids (comma separated)
# patches
# for patches with the same id (description), to support multiple game builds for different patterns, position the 'global' patch as the last one
# otherwise it will override other patches with different patch group ids
# syntax -> patch=description (serves as the id):type (offset|pattern):(compatible patch group ids (comma separated)):(offset|pattern):hex patch
# skip data checksum checks (by emoose)
patch=skip data checksum checks:pattern:global:741E8B534841B8EFBEADDE:EB1E8B534841B8EFBEADDE
# unrestrict binds (by SunBeam, ported by emoose)
patch=unrestrict binds:pattern:dlc2:084C8B03BA01:084C8B03BA00
patch=unrestrict binds:pattern:global:084C8B0FBA01:084C8B0FBA00