This dataset deals with air pollution measurement information in Seoul, South Korea. Seoul Metropolitan Government provides many public data, including air pollution information, through the 'Open Data Plaza'
The data was pulled from a Kaggle open data set. The dataset was downloaded on 2020/04/15.
Air Pollution in Seoul
This data provides average values for six pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, O3, PM10, PM2.5).
Data were measured every hour between 2017 and 2019.
Data were measured for 25 districts in Seoul.
This dataset is divided into four files.
Measurement info: Air pollution measurement information
1 hour average measurement is provided after calibration
Instrument status:
0: Normal, 1: Need for calibration, 2: Abnormal
4: Power cut off, 8: Under repair, 9: abnormal data
Measurement item info: Information on air pollution measurement items
Measurement station info: Information on air pollution instrument stations
Measurement summary: A condensed dataset based on the above three data.
from Kaggle.
Additionally, thank you to Seoul City, Seoul Open Data Plaza, and Air Quality Analysis Center for providing data.