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Store panel study data and make it available through the power of django


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Paneldata is a server solution to make panel study meta data more accessible.

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Please see our, if you want to contribute to this project.

Getting Started


Follow the installation instructions for the Docker Engine:

To verify the installation was successful, you can type:

$ docker --version
Docker version 27.5.1, build 9f9e405


Development Environment

Clone the repository

git clone
cd ddionrails/

To start up a default development setup use the base compose file together with the docker-compose-remote-dev.yml

docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" -f "docker-compose-remote-dev.yml" up -d

Using Visual Studio Code will make the process even simpler. Just open the project after installing the remote development plugin. VSCode will prompt you to reopen it in the development container. When confirmed, VSCode will set up all services for development through docker-compose.

With the basic setup the development container will be available at localhost.

⚠️ Warning Do not use this in production the settings used by the dev compose files are not secure. This is also the reason why there is no docker-compose.override.yml provided with the repository. These settings should not accidentally find their way into production.

Production Environment

Before starting the services via docker compose:

  • [Optional] Benchmark your docker setup with docker-bench-security.

    • Some of the changes needed to secure your docker setup might lead to loss of containers and volumes. It would be better to make the changes before creating any containers on the system.
  • Customize the environment files in docker/environments/ and rename them to remove example from their name.

    • database.env should contain secure password.
    • django.env should be set up for production or staging
Variable Description
DJANGO_DEBUG Toggles debug tools. Should always be False for Production
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY For securely signing data. Should be long and random. Must be kept secret
ALLOWED_HOSTS Host names through which the server can be addressed. Should match your setup.
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL The address password reset emails and other aurtomated messages will be send from
FEEDBACK_TO_EMAILS is a list of Email adresses where feedback is supposed to be send to. List entries are separated by , and each entry contains a purpose and an email address separated by :. There are currently two feedback form purposes: search and statistics.
STUDY_INIT_FILE Is the path or URL to a json file that contains a list of study initialization data. See the example file for the structure.
HOME_BACKGROUND_IMAGE The URL for a png file that will be used as a background image for the landing page.
  • Remove the comment in the environment blocks in the docker compose file to load the environment files. Or create a docker-compose.override.yml file that sets the environment files.

  • Customize the docker/nginx/nginx.example.conf and rename it to nginx.conf.

    • Sections that need to be changed are marked with REPLACE_ME

    • For ssl change your docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.override.yml to mount cert and key at the right location.

      • If you use a ca-chain file, add this file to the end of your crt file. This file can then be used by nginx as certificate.
  • [Optional] Set up a backup routine for the database.

Importing Data

To import a study's metadata into the system, you need a git repository containing a couple of .csv and .json files (e.g.

You need to add your study to the system by invoking the add command:

docker compose exec web python add soep-test

You clone or pull the repository with update:

docker compose exec web python update soep-test

Your study's metadata gets inserted into the database by adding import jobs onto a Redis queue (this can take some time). The last job includes indexing all metadata into the Elasticsearch indices.


docker compose exec web python add soep-test
docker compose exec web python update

Running the tests

To run the unit and integration tests you can call paver test. This does not run functional tests with Selenium.

cd ddionrails/
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" -f "docker-compose-dev.yml" up -d
docker compose exec web paver test


  • userns-remap can apparently cause problems while building images using buildkit. Try setting DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 if you get permission errors while building.


For the versions available, either look at the tags of this repository or at the changelog.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL-3.0 License -see the file for details