An ESI API wrapper for Eve Online written in CFML
Current version: 1.0.10
The EVEESIService CFC contains an API interface to the Eve Online ESI API - latest build: 2017-06-10
This code is bundled with the EVESSOService CFC which provides functions to assist with getting OAuth 2.0 tokens from Eve Online for use with the API. Error handling in these CFC's are minimal, at best, and this is best left to the implementation of the API wrapper and not handled directly within the API wrapper itself.
The ESI API and SSO wrappers will both check for a successful call (HTTP 200 OK) and will automatically parse the JSON results and return them. Any other status code will return the entire http result, including headers and other information for debug purposes.
esi = new EVEESIService();
writeDump( esi.getAlliances() );
Full documentation of the CFESI API Wrapper
Login Page:
sso = new EVESSOService( clientId = '[CLIENT ID]', secretKey = '[SECRET KEY]', redirectURL = '[URL]' );
<a href="#sso.getLoginURL()#">Login With Eve Online</a>
if( sso.hasCorrectState( URL.state ) ) {
tokenStruct = sso.getAccessTokenByAuthCode( URL.code );
writeDump( tokenStruct );
- Adobe ColdFusion 9+
- Lucee 4.5+
If you find any bugs or have a feature you'd like to see implemented in this code, please use the issues area here on GitHub to log them.
This project is actively being maintained and monitored by Denard Springle. If you would like to contribute to this code base please feel free to fork, modify and send a pull request!
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Apache Software License 2.0 (