DotSwagGen is a command line code generator for the swagger specification.
DotSwagGen uses a template engine to create code output in any language for a given swagger specification.
Currently there are two templates included, a C# Model and a C# Operation template. You can create your own templates for specific requirements or languages.
Usage: dotswaggen -s <filename.json> -n test.namespace -o <directory>
-s, --swagger Required. Input files to be processed.
-n, --namespace Required. The namespace to use for generated code
-o, --output Required. The folder to output rendered code to
--t-prefix Prefix the template filename for each template type
--o-prefix Prefix the output filename for each file generated
--o-single-name The filename to write all output to
--help Display this help screen.
Currently we only support Swagger 1.2. 1.1 is planned to arrive soon.