This repository contains the pretrain code for the paper "Natural Language-informed Understanding of Molecule Graphs”
Ubuntu 16.04.7
python 3.9.12
cuda 10.1
# pytorch
pip install torch==1.8.1+cu101 torchvision==0.9.1+cu101 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f
# torch_geometric
# you can download the following *.whl files in
pip install torch_cluster-1.5.9-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl
pip install torch_scatter-2.0.8-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl
pip install torch_sparse-0.6.12-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl
pip install torch-geometric
# transformers (4.18.0)
pip install transformers
# rdkit
pip install rdkit-pypi
# ogb
pip install ogb
# pytorch_lightning (1.6.2)
pip install pytorch_lightning
This repository uses some code from Graphormer. Thanks to the original authors for their work!
Although we only use the GIN with 5 layers and a 300-dimensional hidden size as the graph encoder, we also provide the Graphormer model and the GIN model with virtual nodes.
Prior to the pre-training procedure, we initialize the GIN model using the GraphCL checkpoint and the BERT model using the checkpoints of Sci-BERT or KV-PLM. You should download the GIN, SciBert, KVPLM checkpoint into the gin_pretrained/, bert_pretrained/, kvplm_pretrained/ folders, respectively. These checkpoints can be downloaded on the Baidu Netdisk, the password is 1234.
--graph # the folder contains the graph data
--textx # the folder contains the text data
--bert_pretrained # the folder contains SciBert checkpoint
--kvplm_pretrained # the folder contains KVPLM checkpoint
--gin_pretrained # the folder contains GIN checkpoint
--data_provider # dataset and datamodule
--gin # the GIN model
--graphormer # the Graphormer model
--contrastive_gin.pyx # contrastive learning
--utils # the functions of graph augmentation # control learning rate # the pretrain script
Since the dataset files are too large, we just provide about one hundred graph-text pairs which can be used to test the pretrain process.
Please download the full data files on the Baidu Netdisk, the password is 1234.
To jointly pretrain the text encoder (Bert which is initized by the KV-PLM checkpoint) and the graph encoder (GIN) on eight gpus, run this command:
python --batch_size=32 --accelerator='gpu' --gpus='0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7' --graph_self --max_epochs=300 --num_workers=8
To jointly pretrain the text encoder (Bert which is initized by the SciBert checkpoint) and the graph encoder (GIN) on eight gpus, run this command:
python --batch_size=32 --accelerator='gpu' --gpus='0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7' --graph_self --max_epochs=300 --num_workers=8 --bert_pretrain
We provide two pretrained models using our method. You can download them on the Baidu Netdisk, the password is 1234. All our downstream tasks use these two models.
Pretrained model when Bert is initized by the KV-PLM checkpoint:
Pretrained model when Bert is initized by the SciBert checkpoint:
title={Natural Language-informed Understanding of Molecule Graphs},
author={Bing Su, Dazhao Du, Zhao Yang, Yujie Zhou, Jiangmeng Li, Anyi Rao, Hao Sun, Zhiwu Lu, Ji-Rong Wen},