In this repo, we have artwork in standard formats for the CNCF projects and programs. We prepare artwork in 2 formats (PNG & SVG), 3 layouts -- horizontal (also known as landscape format), stacked (which is closer to square), and icon (which does not include the name and is square), and at least 3 versions (color/black/white). So, that's at least 18 versions of most logos.
With many browsers, you can right click and copy the logo of your choice below. Please note that although PNG is more common, SVG file sizes are smaller, supported in all modern web browsers, and a high-resolution format suitable for both print and high-resolution computer screens.
You can find t-shirts, hoodies and stickers for Kubernetes at the CNCF store. For questions about using terms in text, please see the CNCF Style Guide.
- Graduated Projects
- Incubating Projects
- Backstage
- Buildpacks
- Cert-Manager
- Chaos Mesh
- Cloud Custodian
- CloudEvents
- Contour
- Cortex
- Crossplane
- CubeFS
- Dapr
- Dragonfly
- Emissary-Ingress
- Falco
- gRPC
- in-toto
- Keptn
- Knative
- KubeEdge
- KubeVela
- KubeVirt
- Kyverno
- Litmus
- Longhorn
- Notary
- OpenKruise
- OpenMetrics
- OpenTelemetry
- Operator Framework
- Thanos
- Volcano
- Sandbox Projects
- Aeraki Mesh
- Akri
- Antrea
- Armada
- Artifact Hub
- Athenz
- Carina
- Carvel
- cdk8s
- ChaosBlade
- Clusternet
- Clusterpedia
- Confidential Containers
- ContainerSSH
- Curiefense
- Curve
- Devfile
- DevStream
- Dex
- Distribution
- Easegress
- Eraser
- external-secrets
- FabEdge
- Fluid
- Fonio
- Headlamp
- Hexa
- Hwameistor
- Inclavare Containers
- Inspektor Gadget
- k3s
- K8gb
- k8sgpt
- k8up
- Karmada
- Kepler
- Keylime
- Konveyor
- Krator
- krkn
- Krustlet
- Kuasar
- kube-burner
- Kube-OVN
- Kube-Logging
- kube-rs
- kubearmor
- KubeDL
- Kuberhealthy
- Kubescape
- KubeStellar
- Kubewarden
- Kudo
- Kuma
- Kured
- Lima
- Merbridge
- meshery
- metal3
- MetalLB
- Microcks
- Network Service Mesh
- Nocalhost
- Open Cluster Management
- Open Policy Containers (OPCR)
- OpenCost
- OpenEBS
- OpenFeature
- OpenFGA
- OpenFunction
- OpenGitOps
- OpenYurt
- Paralus
- Parsec
- PipeCD
- Piraeus
- Pixie
- Porter
- Pravega
- Schemahero
- Serverless Devs
- Serverless Workflow Specification
- Service Mesh Performance (SMP)
- Skooner
- SlimToolkit
- Strimzi
- Spiderpool
- Submariner
- SuperEdge
- Telepresence
- Teller
- Tinkerbell
- Tremor
- Trickster
- Vineyard
- Virtual Kubelet
- wasmCloud
- WasmEdgeRuntime
- werf
- Xline
- zot
- Other CNCF Logos
- Kubernetes Certifications (CKA, CKAD, KCSP, KTP, KSS, KCNA)
- Cloud Native Certifications (PCA, ICA, CAPA, CCA)
- CNCF Member
- CNCF Project Level
- This Week in Cloud Native
- CNCF Ambassador
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America Virtual
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe Virtual
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Cropped
- Kubernetes Forum
- Envoycon
- Kubernetes Community Days
- Certified Kubernetes
- DevStats
- CNCF Landscape
- CNCF Sandbox
- APISnoop
- Phippy & Friends Group
- Phippy & Friends Individual
- CNCF & Go Gophers by [Ashley McNamara]
- TAG Security
- TAG Storage
- TAG App Delivery
- TAG Contributor Strategy
- CNF Testbed
- GitOps Working Group
- Cartografos Working Group
- Cloud Native Community Groups
- Archived Projects
These guidelines are both for people in CNCF who design CNCF-branded web properties and also for people external to CNCF who want to use CNCF’s brand assets.
Use of any trademark or logo is subject to the trademark policy available at with the key excepts available at
The Certified Kubernetes marks are only available for use with conformant implementations and must comply with the brand guidelines.
Questions? Please email