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Kirby blog and memex.


Kirby (v4) runs on PHP 8.1+, Apache or Nginx.

Dev tooling uses node v20.17.

Kirby Dependencies


Webpack tooling is set up for sass & js compiliation, but it assumes you're already serving the site via xampp/mamp/etc w/ a vhost address of spiritedrefactor.localhost.


Updating Kirby CMS and Plugins

  • install submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
  • update kirby to latest: ./tools/

Web Server

  1. Install xampp
  2. Clone project into /Applications/XAMPP/xampfiles/htdocs, e.g., as deanbot.local
  • to clone with submodules include --recurse-submodules -j8
  1. Edit /Applications/XAMPP/xampfiles/etc/httpd.conf.
  • Update User/Group as indicated below or you get cannot write error during panel installation. User is the name of your home directory.
  • httpd.conf configuration:
    • change: User daemon /n Group daemon
    • to: User your_username /n Group staff
  1. Configure vhosts
  • Edit /private/etc/hosts and add line: deanbot.local (requires sudo)
  • Edit files in /Applications/XAMPP/xampfiles/
    • Edit etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and add configuration below.
    • Edit etc/httpd.conf and uncomment line following # Virtual hosts
  1. Restart apache server in xammpp (manager-osx).

httpd-vhosts.conf configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName localhost
  DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs"

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName bluemooncommunityfarm.local
  DocumentRoot "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/bluemooncommunityfarm.local"
  ErrorLog "logs/bluemooncommunityfarm.local-error_log"
  CustomLog "logs/bluemooncommunityfarm.local-access_log" common

JS tooling

Warning: JS tooling has vulnerabilities - do not install node packages until resolved.

  • Node
    • install/update nvm
    • install latest lts nvm install --lts and use it nvm use --lts
  • PNPM


  • pnpm run build - create prod build of css and js in assets/builds
  • pnpm run start - launch dev build with webpack + browser-sync
