# IRC Server Address
HOST = irc.twitch.tv
# IRC Server Port
PORT = 6667
# Bot NickName
# Twitch.tv auth code -- https://twitchapps.com/tmi/
###Running the bot
python3 bot.py <TARGET_CHANNEL>
###User Commands ->
- '!points' -- shows the users current points
- '!duel [target]' -- challenges target player to a duel
- '!accept' -- accepts the pending duel that you have been challenged to
- '!decline' -- decline the pending duel that you have been challenged to
- '!lookup [target]' -- show the target summonername's current rank and LP using the League of Legends API
- '!uptime' -- shows how long the current channel has been live
- '!followage' -- shows how long you have been following the current channel
- '!github' -- sends link to the ardahBot github