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Releases: deathau/markdownload


23 Aug 05:54
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  • Fixed extra spaces in titles which could cause issues (thanks @rickdoesdev !)
  • Fixed an issue with image paths in some circumstances (thanks @rickdoesdev !)
  • Added parametersizations for "mixed-kebab" and "mixed_snake" which retain original casing but replace spaces (thanks @NSHenry !)
    • Also added a special "obsidian-cal" parameterization which is the same as "mixed-kebab" with duplicate - removed for additional compatibility with the Obsidian Consistent Attachment Location plugin (thanks @NSHenry !)
  • Added lowecase and uppercase options to parameterizations (thanks @redxtech !)
  • Updated Turndown to v7.1.3 (thanks @wehat !)
  • Updated Readability to v0.5.0 (thanks @wehat !)
  • Fixed some issues with code block parsing and formatting (thanks @wehat !)
  • Fixed an issue with some sites missing a proper title (thanks @wehat !)
  • Fixed an issue with bad base urls causing issues with links in certain circumstances (thanks @wehat !)
  • Fixed an issue with readability removing everything in certain circumstances (thanks @wehat !)
  • Send properly configured title to the Obsidian integration (thanks @nekton39 !)
  • Updates to the README (thanks @2gn and @eugenesvk !)


05 Dec 02:58
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  • Remove hidden content before exporting (thanks @nhaouari !). This allows you to use a different extension (e.g. Adblock) to hide elements that would otherwise clutter up your export
  • Fixes for Obsidian integration in Safari (thanks @aancw !)
  • Keep a few more HTML tags that have no markdown equivalent (u, ins, del, small, big) (thanks @mnaoumov !)
  • Add support for KaTeX formulas parsing (thanks @mnaoumov !)
  • Fixed saving for options when imported from file (and show a little 'saved' indicator)
  • Added a toggle for downloading images in the context menu and popup
  • Added a link to the options in the popup
  • Added some basic error handling to the popup
  • Changes to how html inside code blocks is handled (thanks @mnaumov !)
  • Treat codehilite without specified language as plaintext (thanks @mnaoumov !)
  • Ensure sequential line breaks in <pre> are preserved in code blocks (thanks @mnaumov !)
  • Update user guide link in README to point to GitHub
  • Added keyboard shortcuts to copy selection / current tab to obsidian (user-definable in browsers that support that) (thanks @legolasdimir and @likeablob !)
  • Select multiple tabs (hold crtl/cmd) then copy all tab urls as a markdown link list via keyboard shortcut or context menu (thanks @romanPrignon !)
  • Allow users to include custom text such like `{date:YYYY-MM-DD}/`` in their Obsidian Folder Name setting (thanks @likeablob !)
  • Fixed a small typo in the user guide (thanks @devon-research !)
  • Fix for missing headings on sites like Substack (thanks @eactisgrosso !)
  • Add support for websites using MathJax 3 (thanks @LeLocTai !)


27 Sep 00:21
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  • Bugfixes for the Obsidian integration (thanks @aancw !)


18 Feb 06:22
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  • Firefox for Android (nightly) support
  • Updated Readability and Turndown
  • Added GitHub-flavoured Markdown (GFM) plugin to Turndown (adds some mardown table support)
  • Added support for MathJax -> LaTeX (thanks @LeLocTai)
  • Disallow slashes in title text replacements
  • Suport for Open Graph meta tags as variables (which use property instead of key)
  • Fixed an issue with regex characters like | in date formats
  • Resolved an extra slash in file name causing images to fail to download in chromium browsers
  • Added some support to parse pre elements as code blocks (supports syntax highlighting on GitHub, but not much else yet)
  • Added option to enable or disable the context menus
  • Added some extra keyboard shortcuts. These can be customised, depending on your browser
    • Alt+Shift+M opens the popup (as it has in previous versions)
    • Alt+Shift+D downloads the current tab as markdown, bypassing the popup
    • Alt+Shift+C copies the current tab as markdown to the clipboard, bypassing the popup
    • Alt+Shift+L copies the current tabs URL as a markdown link to the clipboard
  • Added support for template variables having different casing using : followed by the casing type. For example, for an article titled "Different Types of Casing":
    • {pageTitle:pascal} — "DifferentTypesOfCasing"
    • {pageTitle:camel} — "differentTypesOfCasing"
    • {pageTitle:kebab} — "different-types-of-casing"
    • {pageTitle:snake — "different_types_of_casing"
  • Added support for rending italics in double underscores (__). This isn't valid MarkDown (will output as bold), but it's useful for people copying to Roam
  • Support image download as base64 embedded urls, directly in the markdown file
  • Added some extra variables related to the url beyond the existing {baseURI}:
    • {origin} - The origin of the URL, that is its scheme, its domain and its port
    • {host} - The domain (that is the hostname) followed by (if a port was specified) a : and the port of the URL.
    • {hostname} - The domain of the URL.
    • {port} - The port number of the URL.
    • {protocol} - The protocol scheme of the URL, including the final ':'.
    • {pathname} - An initial '/' followed by the path of the URL, not including the query string or fragment.
    • {search} - The URL's parameter string; if any parameters are provided, this string includes all of them, beginning with the leading ? character.


13 Jul 00:53
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  • Added missing icons folder into release package


18 Feb 01:14
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  • Theme revamp
  • Utilizing CodeMirror for the Markdown Editor
  • Strip Disallowed characters on title and image filenames during text replacement
  • Add "Download Type" option, to attempt to resolve conflicts with other Download extensions (and to help support Safari!)
  • Add options for stripping images and links
  • Fixes around downloading images and getting correct urls in the markdown
  • Added meta keywords support for the text replace
  • Added text replace support for meta tags in general
  • Add option to disable turndown escaping
  • Strip out 'red dot' special characters
  • Added an option to specify a download path (within the downloads folder). Thanks to Nikita Lukianets!


13 Nov 12:47
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  • Add option for Obsidian-style image links (when downloading images with the markdown file)
  • Downloaded images should download relative to the markdown file in the case where you specify a subfolder in your title template
  • Front- and back-matter template will no longer put in extra lines on Opera
  • Adjusted the way text is copied to the clipboard


27 Oct 08:32
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  • Fixed typo on options page (thanks Dean Cook)
  • Added option to download images alongside the markdown file
    • Also added the ability to add a prefix to the images you download, so you can, for example, save them in a subfolder
    • If your browser has the option to always show a save as dialog enabled, you might get a dialog for every image. Sorry about that 😬
  • Updated turndown to 7.0.1 and allowed iframes to be kept in the markdown
  • Added a new {pageTitle} option for template replacement (there are many websites where the {title} and {pageTitle} actually differ)
  • Added a context menu option to copy a tab URL as a markdown link, using the title configured in settings as the link title (i.e. [<custom title>](<URL>))
  • Added custom disallowed characters to strip from titles (set to []#^ by default for maximum compatibility with Obsidian)
  • Added some focus styling so you can tell what is focused
  • Auto-focus the download button (you can now ctrl+shift+M, Enter to quickly download a file)
  • Template title (and image prefixes) now allow forward slashes (/) so that files get saved to a subfolder


09 Nov 06:01
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  • Added template toggle to tab context menu


09 Nov 06:01
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  • Clip selected text
  • Toggle in popup to clip selected or full page
  • Toggle in popup to include front/back templates
  • Option for title templates
  • Option to always show Save As dialog
  • Context menus for downloading or copying text as markdown
  • Context menus for downloading a tab or all tabs in window as markdown
  • Keyboard shortcut (Alt+Shift+M be default) for showing popup