An experimental approach for publishing/subscribing to streams of notebook contents in JupyterLab over the dat peer-to-peer network This is not real-time collaboration.
- Open a notebook
- Click the
icon in the notebook toolbar
- Click
- Copy the
url, send it to someone else withjupyterlab-dat
installed - Change the notebook
- Open a new Untitled notebook
- Click the
icon in the notebook toolbar
- Paste a
url into the text box aboveSUBSCRIBE
- Click
- Watch the notebook change
- Click the
icon in the Lab sidebar - Click
my dat
- Enter a name for yourself
- Optionally, click publish
- Open
dat chat
- If you've published or subscribed a dat, you can chat to other publishers/subscribers
- Or paste a
url into the text box
- Or paste a
- Click
- two-or-three click publish/subscribe
- optional metadata sharing
- live view of peer count and version
- active cell following (enabled by default)
- markdown rendering (enabled by default)
- trust cells (enabled by default)
- single-link sharing, e.g.{:repo}/{:branch}?urlpath=lab/tree/dat/notebook/{:dat-hash}
- opens an Untitled notebook
- starts subscribing
- closes sidebars
- activates single-document and presentation mode
- a publisher
- joins a swarm
- creates a archive
- stores changes to a notebook as a stream of small files a la nbexplode in a dat
- send subscribers a 64-character key to subscribers over an out-of-band channel e.g. chat
- a subscriber
- joins a swarm
- opens a notebook, and subscribes with the provided key
- replicates the archive
- pushes the small files as received to their notebook
- publishers and subscribers run a discovery-swarm-web process to help find peers in the swarm
- provided via jupyter-server-proxy
- archives are created in-memory, with no persistence, and reference transient
JupyterLab cell ids
- if a publisher closes their page, that's it (though existing subscribers will keep their notebooks)
- widgets, bokeh, or anything else comm-based, don't work at all
Needs a
installation, e.g. Miniconda or Anaconda
(base) conda env update
(base) source activate jupyterlab-dat
(jupyterlab-dat) bash postBuild
(jupyterlab-dat) jupyterlab