Whenever Spotify tries to play an ad, this mutes the system volume.
Spotify needs to be present solely in a different window. You can open Spotify in a solo Chrome window where there's only this one tab, or you can use the desktop app.
Normal g++ would do, but to link dlls statically,
g++.exe -Wall -c -g mute_ads.cpp
g++.exe -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -o "mute_ads.exe" mute_ads.o
I created a shortcut in my start menu with a cute icon, so you can do that, just fyi.
A duplicate .exe is present in the main folder outside release as it is linked to a start menu shortcut and I don't wanna redo it, so bear with it.
Works only in Windows as it uses native system calls to determine which apps are running