BeaconFrameESP8266 is a simple program for the ESP8266 that allows for a fast and easy setup to create WiFi network beacons with (custom) MAC addresses.
Please note: a library with this program as an example is available
In the case of any issues that might occur, please send them via the Issues tab. Also, pull requests with new/improved features are always welcome :)
This program depends on:
- Enter the number of networks at
const int num_of_networks
, - Enter the SSID's in:
const char* ssids[]
, - Choose whether you have custom MAC Addresses or not at:
const bool use_random_mac
, - If you have custom MAC Addresses, add them at:
const int MACAddresses
, - Let's go...
Do not power an ESP8266 with 5V, use 3.3V instead.
While programming:
FTDI --> ESP8266
VCC --> VCC & EN
RX --> TX
TX --> RX
While in normal operation:
FTDI --> ESP8266
VCC --> VCC & EN
VCC --> ca. 10kOhm resistor --> GPIO0
RX --> TX
TX --> RX
This program is available under the MIT License.