NuCompRes (Numerical Computational Resources) is a lightweight component to expose computational MATLAB® or Octave resources over HTTP.
NuCompRes readily turns your MATLAB investment into a server, enabling clients to integrate using the REST architectural style.
Experienced MATLAB modelers who want to integrate their solution without having to learn about IT middleware.
Please use git to retrieve a copy of the development branch, or download releases.
- Runs inside a MATLAB session
- Runs inside a (compiled) Standalone Application
- Debug and hot code a running server within the IDE
- Runs on MS-Windows and Linux
- Tested with MATLAB 2012b (Linux, Microsoft Windows 7) and Octave 3.6.4 (Microsoft Windows 7).
- Java Version 5 or higher.
- (Optional) MATLAB Compiler™ to build a Standalone Application.
We start the sample server on port 8080 inside the MATLAB IDE or on the Octave prompt:
cd <PATH_TO_NuCompRes>
server = startMyServer(8080);
With the server running on port 8080, open
in a web browser. From there you can explore the exposed sample resources.
There is an Excel Client interacting with some of the resources.
You can communicate with a remote server from inside MATLAB.
Warning: If you do this inside a session which is running the server, your session will freeze!
>> urlread('http://myremotehost:8080/eval', 'POST', {'expression' 'response=1+1'}) ans = result=2
POST the expression 1+1
to the eval
resource with a content type of multipart/form-data:
> curl -F expression="response=1+1" http://myremotehost:8080/eval --- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="result" 2 ------
Inside a MATLAB session, you may stop
and restart
a server at any time. To stop a server in a standalone application, issue a POST /admin/stop
. This will also terminate the application.
Function myServer() exposes these sample resources
####POST /eval Evaluate any expression using the eval() function
####GET /docs/:filename Get a file from the MATLAB path
####POST /pricer/options/american Price an american option
####PUT /pricer/options/american/config Configure the option pricer
Get the option pricer configuration
Stop the server
The American option pricer is implemented within one MATLAB file. We used closures with nested functions and function handles to hold state (the pricer configuration) without using the global workspace. You may or may not follow this pattern. But please consider that the server may eventually hold a couple of resources. You should separate them well, both data and the functionality.
Routing maps the tuple of HTTP-method and URL-path to a MATLAB resource. The path may have named placeholders. For example
{'GET /docs/:filename', @FileResource}
assigns the FileResource functions to requests such as GET /docs/myresources.html
. Here myresources.html is passed to the
FileResource function as the filename-field of the request structure. URL query parameters are not part of the routing, so
the request
GET /docs/myresources.html?foo=bar
does the same thing as the previous example, but additionally passes bar as the value of the foo field in the request structure.
To build meaningful routing tables you should eventually become familiar with the REST architectural style.
If you send a request to the server, you have to include a content type header. Many clients will do this for you. Supported types are
- text/plain
- multipart/form-data
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
TODO: Describe the reponse content type.
If the content type is text/plain or is missing, the server will pass the raw (unparsed) body to the resource as the request.body field.
All MATLAB code can be debugged and changed while the server is running. If you change and compile the Java code, please restart the MATLAB session to flush all Java related caches.
Any MATLAB or Octave session is single threaded. So each NuCompRes-Server can only handle one request at a time. If you want to serve several request simultaneously, then put a proxy server in front of those NuCompRes-Servers. This proxy then dispatches requests to an idle NuCompRes-Server.
You find a simple load balancing server in this project.
NuComRes does not play in the league of production grade load balancing and security (authentication). A reverse proxy such as Nginx can handle these issues.
Do not, ever, place a NuComRes server directly in an untrusted zone.
NuCompRes is completely written in MATLAB code. Only a very small, single class Java-Proxy must be incorporated. No external libraries are required.
For this you need a license for the MATLAB Compiler.
mcc -I resources -I lib -I examples -a lib/JavaNuServer.class -a examples/myresources.html -mv myServer.m
See path-management-in-deployed-applications why the -a option is needed. Upon successful compilation, start the server from the command line with
myServer 8080
Carefully read The MathWorks Software License Agreement, in particular Section 5.2.3. Deployment Addendum
Licensee’s Application may not provide scripting capability similar to the capabilities of any of the Programs or provide functionality or behavior similar to that of the MATLAB command line.
Be specific in what resources you deploy, and only deploy Standalone Applications. Never ever deploy the sample eval-resource. It is for local development and debugging inside a session only, be it MATLAB or Octave.
MATLAB® and MATLAB Compiler™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.
The American option pricer is taken from NineWays to Implement the Binomial Method for Option Valuation in MATLAB
NuCompRes is licensed under the MIT license.