Class | Description |
Angle |
Defines angle representation |
AnimationState |
Animator |
Arc2 |
This represents an arc in a 2d space. |
AudioClip |
AudioSource |
Axis |
Defines the 3 main axes |
BasicMaterial |
BezierCurve |
Class used to represent a Bezier curve |
Billboard |
Billboard defines a behavior that makes the entity face the camera in any moment. |
BoxShape |
Camera |
CircleShape |
Color3 |
Class used to hold a RBG color |
Color4 |
Class used to hold a RBGA color |
ComponentAdded |
ComponentRemoved |
ConeShape |
Curve3 |
A Curve3 object is a logical object, so not a mesh, to handle curves in the 3D geometric space. A Curve3 is designed from a series of successive Vector3. |
CylinderShape |
DisposableComponentCreated |
DisposableComponentRemoved |
DisposableComponentUpdated |
Engine |
Entity |
EventManager |
Frustum |
(BETA) Reprasents a camera frustum |
Gizmos |
(BETA) Enables gizmos in the entity. Gizmos only work in EDITOR, PREVIEW or DEBUG modes. |
GLTFShape |
Input |
Material |
Matrix |
Class used to store matrix data (4x4) |
MultiObserver |
(BETA) Represent a list of observers registered to multiple Observables object. |
NFTShape |
OBJShape |
Observable |
(BETA) The Observable class is a simple implementation of the Observable pattern. There's one slight particularity though: a given Observable can notify its observer using a particular mask value, only the Observers registered with this mask value will be notified. This enable a more fine grained execution without having to rely on multiple different Observable objects. For instance you may have a given Observable that have four different types of notifications: Move (mask = 0x01), Stop (mask = 0x02), Turn Right (mask = 0X04), Turn Left (mask = 0X08). A given observer can register itself with only Move and Stop (mask = 0x03), then it will only be notified when one of these two occurs and will never be for Turn Left/Right. |
ObservableComponent |
Observer |
(BETA) Represent an Observer registered to a given Observable object. |
ObserverEventState |
(BETA) A class serves as a medium between the observable and its observers |
OnAnimationEnd |
OnBlur |
OnChanged |
OnClick |
OnFocus |
OnGizmoEvent |
(BETA) This event is triggered after the user finalizes dragging a gizmo. |
OnPointerDown |
OnPointerUp |
OnTextSubmit |
OnUUIDEvent |
ParentChanged |
Path2 |
Represents a 2D path made up of multiple 2D points |
Path3D |
Represents a 3D path made up of multiple 3D points |
Plane |
Represens a plane by the equation ax + by + cz + d = 0 |
PlaneShape |
PointerEventComponent |
Quaternion |
Class used to store quaternion data,_rotation,_scaling |
Scalar |
Scalar computation library |
Shape |
Size |
Size containing widht and height |
SphereShape |
TextShape |
Texture |
Transform |
UUIDEvent |
UUIDEventSystem |
Vector2 |
Class representing a vector containing 2 coordinates |
Vector3 |
Classed used to store (x,y,z) vector representation A Vector3 is the main object used in 3D geometry It can represent etiher the coordinates of a point the space, either a direction Reminder: Babylon.js uses a left handed forward facing system |
Vector4 |
Vector4 class created for EulerAngle class conversion to Quaternion |
Interface | Description |
ComponentConstructor |
ComponentLike |
DisposableComponentConstructor |
DisposableComponentLike |
IEngine |
IEntity |
IEventConstructor |
IEvents |
ISize |
Interface for the size containing width and height |
ISystem |
Function | Returns | Description |
Component |
`<TFunction extends ComponentConstructor>(target: TFunction) => void | TFunction` |
DisposableComponent |
`<TFunction extends DisposableComponentConstructor>(target: TFunction) => void | TFunction` |
error |
void |
Error function. Prints a console error. Only works in debug mode, otherwise it does nothing. |
EventConstructor |
ClassDecorator |
executeTask |
TaskResult<T> |
(BETA) Executes an asynchronous task |
getComponentClassId |
`number | null` |
getComponentId |
string |
getComponentName |
string |
isDisposableComponent |
boolean |
log |
void |
Log function. Only works in debug mode, otherwise it does nothing. |
newId |
string |
(BETA) Generates a new prefixed id |
Enumeration | Description |
Gizmo |
(BETA) Gizmo identifiers |
Orientation |
Defines potential orientation for back face culling |
Pointer |
Space |
Defines supported spaces |
UIStackOrientation |