the name's dedhedzed, but most mafks call me zed.
- 🤘 i'm fighting the never-ending fight against canadian telecommunications erryday, straight up
- 🤘 i own an actual metric fuck ton of computers, most notably a power mac g4 cube in box, an ibm 5150, a powerbook 165c and a good ol gamer rig (i9-11900k, 3080Ti, 64GB DDR4 sorta shit)
- 🤘
i'm fucked in the fucking headi have a marked interest in the nortel millennium payphones, and have acquired 2 units - 🤘 i also have a fuckyoutube channel with fuckall on it so far
- dedhedzed's Flipper IRDB contribs : (yeah i used to be more active, i need to get back into er)
- MilOS : Still private but it's coming