This project was to build a portfolio site using react. It was implemented with React and Vite as the development and build tool.
React router was used to create a navigation that allowed switching between different pages on the site.
About me page, displays a picture and some text about the author.
Portfolio page, displays six tiles that each represent a project. Hovering over a tile image brings up it's title and a subtile. The title of the project is also a link to the deployed project site. The github icon next to it links to the projects github repo.
Resume page, includes a link to download a resume. It also lists the authors skills.
Contact Page, has a form for the user to provide contact information. The form inputs are validated.
There is a footer at the bottom of each page, with links to the authors Github repos, linkedIn and Medium.
Technology Used | Resource URL |
JavaScript | |
React | |
Vite | |
Git | |
Deepak Sinha