installed x-code from self serve tool
installed XCode command line tools using terminal
xcode-select -install
installed HomeBrew from self serve tool
created software install service request from the Heart icon from top right tool bar for docker desktop
Once service request is completed, installed Docker Desktop from self serve tool
Used the "advanced option" to Install Docker Desktop and unchecked anything that requires an "admin" password
added Docker install folder to .zprofile add
to PATH -
restart terminal
installed nmv using homebrew
brew install nvm
- please make sure to add the nvm paths and env variables to .zprofile
setup node version
nvm install lts/hydrogen
nvm use lts/hydrogen
install yarn
npm install --global yarn
Copy the environment file:
cp .env.example .env
Open the .env file and update any necessary configurations
Start Docker Desktop application
Start MongoDB and other infrastructure:
docker compose up -d
Install project dependencies:
If this is not the first time running the project, If experiencing errors you may need to remove the node_modules folder and then run
again because there is a good change new packages have been added. If still experiencing issues, remove the yarn.lock file and try again. If still experiencing issues, please reach out to the DSS team.rm -rf node_modules yarn
Generate GraphQL types (Only if you have changed the schema):
yarn generate:types
Seed the database (optional):
yarn seed
Start the GraphQL server:
yarn start
The GraphQL Altair playground will be available at:
Generate a JWT token for testing:
node generate-token.js
Steps to Use the JWT token to authenticate requests in the Altair playground (See notes below for more details):
- Adjust the .env file and set the AUTH_STRATEGY to
. - Copy the JWT token
- Click the first icon on the left bar in the Altair playground for headers
- Click add new header
- For the key add:
, for the value add:Bearer <JWT token>
- Paste the JWT token into the textbox
- Click Save and begin making requests
Lint the project:
yarn lint
Run tests:
yarn test
Build the project:
yarn build
Run end-to-end tests:
yarn e2e
Generate a JWT token for testing:
node generate-token.js
Altaire GraphQL playground: http://localhost:4000
- Altaire is a more feature rich GraphQL client that can be used as an alternative to the built in GraphQL playground
Key benefits of using Altair:
- Rich feature set for testing and debugging GraphQL queries
- User-friendly interface with syntax highlighting and auto-completion
- Ability to set custom headers and variables
- Support for GraphQL subscriptions
- Offline access to schema documentation
To use Altair with this project, simply point it to the GraphQL endpoint: http://localhost:4000
This project includes an Altaire Collection located in: ds9-graphql-collection.agc
For more information on Altair, please visit: https://altairgraphql.dev/docs/features/documentation
To import the collection:
- Open Altair
- Click on the Collections tab
- Click the Import button
- Select the ds9-graphql-collection.agc file
Start MongoDB and other infrastructure:
docker compose up -d
Start the GraphQL server:
yarn start
- Adjust the .env file and set the AUTH_STRATEGY to
. - Add headers for
can be set toAdmin
is a comma separated list of permissions (Read, Write, Delete, Execute)
- Modify the .env file with the correct Okta settings and set the AUTH_STRATEGY to
. - Create a new OIDC application in Okta with the following settings:
- Authorization server: Use the default one
- Grant type: Authorization Code
- Redirect URI: http://localhost:4000/auth/callback
- Response type: Code
- Scope: openid profile email