provides a Haskell library for declaratively describing the spreadsheets.. clerk
is built on top of the xlsx package and extends upon the work of Nickolay Kudasov.
can be used to produce a styled spreadsheet with some data and formulas on it. These formulas are evaluated when the document is loaded into a target spreadsheet system.
The library supports:
- Typed cell references. Example:
Ref Double
. - Type-safe arithmetic operations with them. Example:
(a :: Ref Double) + (b :: Ref Double)
produces aRef Double
. - Constructing expressions with given types. Example:
(e :: Expr Double) = "SUM" [a .: b]
translates toSUM(A1:B1)
(actual value depends on the values ofa
). - Conditional styles, formatting, column widths.
The examples below demonstrate these features.
The goal: demonstrate formula syntax.
The source code for this example is available here.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
I import the necessary stuff.
import Clerk ( (.*), (.**), (.+), (./), as, fun, formulaRef, val, Formula, Ref )
import Data.Text (Text)
import Examples.Helpers ( showFormula, mkRef )
Formulas consist of references, functions, and values.
I make references to Double
r1 :: Ref Double
r1 = mkRef @"B4"
r2 :: Ref Double
r2 = mkRef @"E6"
r3 :: Ref Double
r3 = mkRef @"G8"
Next, I convert one of these references to a formula via formulaRef
and inspect the formula representation.
t1 :: Text
t1 = showFormula $ formulaRef r2
-- >>>t1
-- "E6"
Finally, I construct a longer expression and look at its representation.
I convert a literal value to a formula via val
t2 :: Text
t2 = showFormula $ r1 .* r2 .* val 3 .+ r1 .** r2 ./ r3
-- >>>t2
-- "B4*E6*3.0+B4^E6/G8"
Of course, I can mix differently typed references in expressions when necessary.
For this case, I have an unsafe as
r4 :: Ref Int
r4 = mkRef @"T6"
t3 :: Text
t3 = showFormula $ as @Double (r4 .* r4) .+ r1 .** r2 ./ r3
-- >>>t3
-- "T6*T6+B4^E6/G8"
This as
function should not be abused, though. If I need an Int
instead of a Double
, I can explicitly use an Excel function.
round_ :: forall a. Formula a -> Formula Int
round_ x = fun "ROUND" [x]
t4 :: Formula Int
t4 = round_ (r1 .** r2 ./ r3)
-- >>>:t t4
-- t4 :: Formula Int
t5 :: Text
t5 = showFormula t4
-- >>> t5
-- "ROUND(B4^E6/G8)"
The goal: describe and generate a spreadsheet with a simple multiplication table.
The source code for this example is available here.
The program produces an xlsx
file that looks as follows:
With formulas enabled:
The below sections describe how such a spreadsheet can be constructed.
I'll need several language extensions.
I import the necessary stuff.
import Clerk
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, void)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Lens.Micro ((&), (+~), (^.))
The tables that I'd like to construct are:
- A vertical header
- A horizontal header
- A table with results of multiplication of the numbers from these headers
provides the RowI
This monad takes some i
nput, internally converts it into Excel types, and outputs something, e.g., a cell reference.
In background, it writes a template of a horizontal block of cells - a row.
This row is used for placing the input values onto a sheet.
A vertical block of cells can be represented as several horizontal blocks of cells placed under each other.
So, as a template, I use a RowI
with one integer as an input.
As I don't need any formatting, I use blank
cells for templates.
I place the rows for each input value and collect the references. Each row is shifted relative to the input coordinates.
mkVertical :: Coords -> [Int] -> Sheet [Ref Int]
mkVertical coords numbers =
forM (zip [0 ..] numbers) $ \(idx, number) ->
(coords & row +~ idx + 2)
((columnF blank (const number)) :: RowI Int (Ref Int))
For a horizontal header, I make a row of numbers and collect the references to all its cells.
As I don't care about the type of inputs, I use the Row
In the Sheet
monad, I place this row starting at a specified coordinate.
mkHorizontal :: Coords -> [Int] -> Sheet [Ref Int]
mkHorizontal coords numbers =
(coords & col +~ 2)
((forM numbers $ \n -> columnF blank (const n)) :: Row [Ref Int])
For inner cells, I use single-cell rows for each input.
As I don't need any info about these cells, I use the Row ()
mkTable :: [(Ref Int, Ref Int)] -> Sheet ()
mkTable cs =
forM_ cs $ \(r, c) -> do
coords <- mkCoords' (c ^. col) (r ^. row)
place coords ((columnF_ blank (const (r .* c))) :: Row ())
Now, I combine all functions.
sheet :: Sheet ()
sheet = do
start <- mkCoords @"B2"
let numbers = [1 .. 9]
cs <- mkHorizontal start numbers
rs <- mkVertical start numbers
mkTable [(r, c) | r <- rs, c <- cs]
Finally, I can write the result and get a spreadsheet like the one at the beginning of Example 2.
main :: IO ()
main = writeXlsx "example2.xlsx" [(T.pack "List 1", void sheet)]
To get ./example2.xlsx
, run:
nix run .#example2
-- or
cabal run example2
With formulas enabled, the sheet looks like this:
The goal: describe and generate a spreadsheet that calculates the pressure data given some volume data and constants.
The source code for this example is available here.
The program produces an xlsx
file that looks as follows:
With formulas enabled:l
The below sections describe how such a spreadsheet can be constructed.
I'll need several language extensions.
-- to access the fields of records like a.b
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
And import the necessary stuff.
import Clerk
import Codec.Xlsx qualified as X
import Codec.Xlsx.Formatted qualified as X
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Lens.Micro ((%~), (&), (+~), (?~))
The tables that I'd like to construct are:
- A table per a constant's value (three of them)
- A volume and pressure table
- A constants' header
- A volume and pressure header
In our case, each constant has the same type of the numeric value - Double
However, it might be the case that in another set of constants, they'll have different types.
That's why, I'll construct a table with a single row per a constant and later place the constants' tables under each other.
I'll store constant data in a record.
data ConstantData a = ConstantData
{ constantName :: String
, constantSymbol :: String
, constantValue :: a
, constantUnits :: String
Next, I group the constants.
data Constants f = Constants
{ gasConstant :: f Double
, numberOfMoles :: f Double
, temperature :: f Double
type ConstantsInput = Constants ConstantData
Following that, I record the constants data.
constants :: ConstantsInput
constants =
{ gasConstant = ConstantData "GAS CONSTANT" "R" 0.08206 "L.atm/mol.K"
, numberOfMoles = ConstantData "NUMBER OF MOLES" "n" 1 "moles"
, temperature = ConstantData "TEMPERATURE(K)" "T" 273.2 "K"
Now, I can make a RowI
for a constant input.
I use a RowI
because this row cares about the i
nput type.
I'll later use this row for each constant separately.
I get a pair of outputs:
- Top left cell of a constant's table. That is, the cell with that constant's name.
- The value of the constant.
Later, I'll use these outputs to relate the positions of tables on a sheet.
Notice that I use styles like lightBlue
here. These styles are defined in the Styles section.
constant :: (ToCellData a) => RowI (ConstantData a) (Ref (), Ref a)
constant = do
refTopLeft <- columnF lightBlue constantName
columnF_ lightBlue constantSymbol
refValue <- columnF (lightBlue .& with2decimalDigits) constantValue
columnF_ lightBlue constantUnits
return (refTopLeft, refValue)
To fill this table, I'll take some data and combine it with the constants.
newtype Volume = Volume {volume :: Double}
volumeData :: [Volume]
volumeData = Volume <$> [1 .. 10]
To pass the constants references in a structured way, I make a helper type.
type ConstantsRefs = Constants Ref
Next, I define a function to produce a row for volume and pressure.
values :: ConstantsRefs -> RowI Volume ()
values Constants{..} = do
refVolume <- columnF alternatingColors volume
let pressure' = gasConstant .* numberOfMoles .* temperature ./ refVolume
columnF_ (alternatingColors .& with2decimalDigits) (const pressure')
I won't use records here. Instead, I'll put the names of the columns straight into the Row
The outputs will be the coordinates of the top left cell and the top right cell of this table.
constantsHeader :: Row (Ref (), Ref ())
constantsHeader = do
let style :: FormatCell
style = blue .& alignedCenter
refTopLeft <- columnWF 20 style (const "constant")
columnWF_ 8 style (const "symbol")
columnF_ style (const "value")
refTopRight <- columnWF 13 style (const "units")
return (refTopLeft, refTopRight)
For this header, I'll also put the names of columns straight into a row.
valuesHeader :: Row (Ref ())
valuesHeader = do
refTopLeft <- columnWF 12 green (const "VOLUME (L)")
columnWF_ 16 green (const "PRESSURE (atm)")
return refTopLeft
At last, I combine all rows.
sheet :: Sheet ()
sheet = do
start <- mkCoords @"B2"
(constantsHeaderTL, constantsHeaderTopRight) <- place start constantsHeader
(gasTopLeft, gas) <- placeIn (constantsHeaderTL & row +~ 2) constants.gasConstant constant
(nMolesTopLeft, nMoles) <- placeIn (gasTopLeft & row +~ 1) constants.numberOfMoles constant
temperature <- snd <$> placeIn (nMolesTopLeft & row +~ 1) constants.temperature constant
valuesHeaderTopLeft <- place (constantsHeaderTopRight & col +~ 2) valuesHeader
placeIns (valuesHeaderTopLeft & row +~ 2) volumeData (values $ Constants gas nMoles temperature)
I used several styles to format the tables. This is how these styles are defined.
blue, lightBlue, green, lightGreen :: FormatCell
blue = mkColor (hex @"#FF99CCFF")
lightBlue = mkColor (hex @"#90CCFFFF")
green = mkColor (hex @"#FF00FF00")
lightGreen = mkColor (hex @"#90CCFFCC")
alternatingColors :: FormatCell
alternatingColors index = (if even index then lightGreen else lightBlue) index
Additionally, I compose an FCTransform
for the number format.
Such a transform is used to accumulate cell formatting.
with2decimalDigits :: FCTransform
with2decimalDigits fcTransform =
fcTransform & X.formattedFormat %~ X.formatNumberFormat ?~ X.StdNumberFormat X.Nf2Decimal
And I make a transform for centering the cell content.
alignedCenter :: FCTransform
alignedCenter = horizontalAlignment X.CellHorizontalAlignmentCenter
Finally, I write the result and get the spreadsheet like the one at the beginning of Example 3.
main :: IO ()
main = writeXlsx "example3.xlsx" [(T.pack "List 1", sheet)]
To get ./example3.xlsx
, run:
nix run .#example3
-- or
cabal run example3
With formulas enabled, the sheet looks like this:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Clerk
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.RWS (gets)
main :: IO ()
main = writeXlsx "example4.xlsx" [("List 1", sheet 9 15)]
colFormula :: ToCellData output => output -> RowI input (Ref a)
colFormula = columnF blank . const
colIndex :: InputIndex -> RowI input ()
colIndex = void . colFormula
index :: Row InputIndex
index = gets ((+ 1) . _inputIndex)
row0 :: Int -> Int -> Row (Ref Int, Ref Int)
row0 a b = do
colIndex =<< index
r1 <- colFormula a
r2 <- colFormula b
pure (r1, r2)
row1 :: (Ref Int, Ref Int) -> Row (Ref Int, Ref Int)
row1 (a, b) =
colIndex =<< index
r1 <- colFormula (fun "MAX" [a, b] :: Formula Int)
r2 <- colFormula (fun "MIN" [a, b] :: Formula Int)
pure (r1, r2)
row3 :: (Ref Int, Ref Int) -> Row (Ref Int, Ref Int)
row3 (a, b) = do
colIndex =<< index
r1 <- colFormula (formulaRef a)
r2 <- colFormula (formulaRef b)
r3 <- colFormula (fun "MOD" [r1, r2] :: Formula Int)
pure (r2, r3)
sheet :: Int -> Int -> Sheet ()
sheet a b = do
start <- mkRef @"A1"
s1 <- place start (row0 a b)
placeIxsFs_ start [1 :: Int .. 6] (cycle [row1, row3]) s1
pure ()
This project provides a dev environment via a Nix
With flakes enabled, run:
nix develop cabal build
is generated from several files. If you edit them, re-generate it.cabal test docs
(Optionally) Start
Write settings and run
.nix run .#writeSettings nix run .#codium .
Open a
file.Haskell Language Server
should soon start giving you hints.
Study these links if you'd like to learn more about the tools used in this flake:
- Prerequisites
project template- Haskell
Haskell Language Server
doesn't want to run code in-- >>>
comments:- Check the Output of
. - Find there a directory name containing
. - Remove the
- Check the Output of