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Design Principles

  • If tool has dependencies not available on a standard Ubuntu instance you may include a program to resolve them
  • Tool must provide an abstraction that allows specifying a file's content and metadata (owner, group, mode)
  • Tool must provide an abstraction that allows installing and removing Debian packages
  • Tool must provide some mechanism for restarting a service when relevant files or packages are updated
  • Tool must be idempotent - it must be safe to apply your configuration over and over again

Having worked on various configuration orchestrator's like Chef, Puppet, Ansible(new) etc.., I tried to incoorporate my learnings(from experince) of those tools in to this tool, so you may find some similarities with state names etc..

Basic Architecture


In Action Video:

Supported Language Interpreter

  • Python v3.x - as python 2.7.x will be deprecated in future, so decided to do this with Python v3

Considerations Patterns

config files

  • .ini - informal standard for configuration files for some platforms or software. INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values
  • .json - JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types ( choosen )
  • .yaml - is a human-readable data serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files, but could be used in many applications where data is being stored or transmitted

After experementing I have choosen .json over .ini and .yml because I was able to define the state(policy rules) of a host in most human friendly format with key:value and array objects. Having significant experience with .json notation of objects I have decided to use it for best interest of time even after spedning few hours on .ini and .yml, but if I do have future plans to do more on .ini (or) .yml based configuration for tools like this.

BTW: these days as part of my personal projects I am using .yml for defining deployments of Kubernetes but it also supports .json :-)

Consumption Pattern

  • default.json - default policy rules to enforce on every host
  • <short-hostname>.json - host specific policy rules to enforce for that host only

How to download and setup the tool

curl -fsSL '' | sh -s install

How to use the tool

  • little help..
python3 /opt/ycmt/bin/ -h
## WARNING ## This program is BETA v0.1, so please pay attention to your policy rules ## WARNING ##
Do you want to continue [Y/n]: Y
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--conf CONF]

Yet(another)ConfigurationManagementTool - ycmt to deploy and
configure simple services

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         increase output verbosity, for more verbosity use -vv
  --conf CONF, -c CONF  path to config file. Default: ./conf/default.json
  • for verbose output use -v for detail verbosity/debug logs increase -vvv
python3 /opt/ycmt/bin/ -v
## WARNING ## This program is BETA v0.1, so please pay attention to your policy rules ## WARNING ##
Do you want to continue [Y/n]: Y
## Applying Base Policies of Package Manager, Services, Configs ##
2018-06-24T14:05:53-07:00 checking compliance of package install rules of BASE on this host: host1
2018-06-24T14:05:53-07:00 Skipping..git package install as its installed and in compliance with above policy rule.
2018-06-24T14:05:53-07:00 checking compliance of manage_services rules of BASE on this host: host1
2018-06-24T14:05:53-07:00Skipping..BASE policy rule enforces service: atd state to be STOPPED and it appears all compliance for the policy rule are met.
2018-06-24T14:05:53-07:00 checking compliance of manage_configs rules of BASE on this host: host1
2018-06-24T14:05:53-07:00 Policy ENFORCED../var/www/html/index.html file deleted as per compliance with above policy rule.

Standard Template

default.json (default/base policy)

    "packages": {
        "update_cache": "False(future as needed)",
        "install": {
            "pkg": "<version - future release will support this currently it will install any latest rc availabe in the repo"
        "remove": [
    "slack": {
        "channels": []
    "services": {
        "service": "state"
    "configs": {
        "files": [
        "file1": {
            "source": "files/file1.php",
            "dest": "<destination location on host>",
            "user": "<user>",
            "group": "<group",
            "mode": "< 5 digit mode - 01744>",
            "notify": "<service>:<action>",
            "action": "<create|delete>"
        "file2": {
            "similar to above"

<short_hostname>.json (host specific policy)

  • Valid state for service{} - started (or) stopped (or) reloaded, I didn't add restarted as it didn't made sence to add it.
  • Valid action for "notify": in configs.file[n] - reload, restart, stop - I kept this native to standard service command actions.

optional config params:

  • slack[]
  • remove[]

Future Integrations in Plan

  • Send event to SLACK ( this is easy implementation and I wanted to do it in v0.1 but as I have spend most of my time with config design I have decided to push this to next release based on interest of time)
  • Send logs to ElasticSearch directly in Structure Format
  • Send Metrics to Prometheus regarding deployments stats









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