This library performs High Dynamic Range post-processing for a given set of images. The technique implemented is discussed in [1]. Broadly the steps involved in the process are:
- Estimation of the Camera Response Function (CRF)
- Computation of the irradiance map
- Tone Mapping
Tone mapping is implemented in two ways - local and global. Global tone mapping has been implemented as discussed in [2].
ROOT_DIR (String) = root folder which contains the folders for the source images.
IMAGE_DIR (String) = name of the directory containing images.
IMAGE_EXT (String) = image extension (eg. .jpg)
COMPUTE_CRF (bool) = flag to compute CRF using supplied image.
Fig.1 - Original Images (Left - Low Exposure Image, Right - High Exposure Image)
Fig.2 - HDR Images (Left - Global Tonemapping, Right - Local Tonemapping)
[1] Paul E. Debevec Jitendra Malik - Recovering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs