The fork of Stanc3 that compiles programs to (Num)Pyro is available at
You need to install the following dependencies:
Stanc requires version 4.07.0 of OCaml which can be installed with:
opam switch create 4.07.0
opam switch 4.07.0
Then simply run the following command to install all the dependencies, including the compiler.
make init
We also provide a dockerfile to setup an environment with all the dependencies. Build the image with (you might need to increase available memory in docker preferences):
make docker-build
Run with:
make docker-run
You can also follow the instruction of the dockerfile to install everything locally.
To evaluate our compilation scheme from Stan to Pyro and Numpyro we consider the following questions:
- RQ1: Can we compile and run all Stan models?
- RQ2: What is the impact of the compilation on accuracy?
- RQ3: What is the impact of the compilation on speed?
Then to evaluate DeepStan extensions, we consider two additional questions
- RQ4: Are explicit variational guides useful?
- RQ5: For deep probabilistic models, how does our extended Stan compare to hand-written Pyro code?
We assume that the current working directory is evaluation
The code is organized by research questions in the evaluation/rq*
Each directory contains a makefile with a rule eval
that launches the experiments.
make eval
Each makefile also contains a rule scaled
to run a faster and lighter version of a subset of the experiments.
In particular, not all the backends and compilation scheme are executed, the number of chains for the inference is reduced, and some examples are not executed. But all the different test scripts are executed.
make scaled
On a MacBook Pro (2020), 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 32GB of memory we have the following durations:
- RQ1: 26m52s
make -C rq1 scaled
- RQ2: 20m33s
make -C rq2-3 scaled_accuracy
- RQ3: 16m11s
make -C rq2-3 scaled_speed
- RQ4: 2m41s
make -C rq4 scaled
- RQ5: 2m23s
make -C rq5 scaled
- Total: 92m53s
make scaled
We detail below how to run the tests individually and how to interpret the results.
To compile all the examples of example-models
from, you can use the bash script
The script expects two arguments: the backend (pyro
or numpyro
), and the compilation mode (generative
, comprehensive
, or mixed
cd rq1
./ pyro comprehensive
This command generates a file named logs/pyro-comprehensive.csv
containing the name of the compiled examples and the exit code:
meaning success,
meaning semantics error raised from stanc3,
and 2
meaning compilation error due to the new backend.
The summary of the results is printed on the standard output and add it to the file logs/summay.log
To test the compilation and inference, we use the models and data of PosteriorDB that are available in the directory posteriordb
The Python the script
compiles and executes one iteration of the inference on all the examples of posteriordb
The script is parameterized by the backend and the compilation scheme.
For example it can run with the numpyro backend and the comprehensive compilation scheme as follows:
python --backend numpyro --mode comprehensive
This will generate a csv file logs/YYMMDD_HHMM_numpyro_comprehensive.csv
containing the exit code of each experiments and add a summary in logs/summay.log
The summary of all the experiments can be display with:
cat logs/summay.log
To compare accuracy of our backends with Stan, you can use the
cd rq2-3
python --help
usage: [-h] --backend BACKEND [--mode MODE] [--test]
[--iterations ITERATIONS] [--warmups WARMUPS]
[--chains CHAINS] [--thin THIN]
Run accuracy experiment on PosteriorDB models.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--backend BACKEND inference backend (pyro, numpyro, or stan)
--mode MODE compilation mode (generative, comprehensive, mixed)
--test Run test experiment (iterations = 100, warmups
= 100, chains = 1, thin = 1)
--posteriors POSTERIORS [POSTERIORS ...]
select the examples to execute
--iterations ITERATIONS
number of iterations
--warmups WARMUPS warmups steps
--chains CHAINS number of chains
--thin THIN thinning factor
For instance, to test the NumPyro backend with the comprehensive translation using PosteriorDB configurations on all examples that have a reference, the command is:
python --backend numpyro --mode comprehensive
This will generate a csv file status_numpyro_comprehensive_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv
containing a summary of the experiments.
To run the reference Stan implementation:
python --backend stan
To compare the speed of our backends with Stan, you can use the
python --help
usage: [-h] --backend BACKEND [--mode MODE] [--runs RUNS]
[--test] [--iterations ITERATIONS] [--warmups WARMUPS]
[--chains CHAINS] [--thin THIN]
Run experiments on PosteriorDB models.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--backend BACKEND inference backend (pyro, numpyro, or stan)
--mode MODE compilation mode (generative, comprehensive, mixed)
--runs RUNS number of runs
--test Run test experiment (iterations = 10, warmups =
10, chains = 1, thin = 1)
--posteriors POSTERIORS [POSTERIORS ...]
select the examples to execute
--iterations ITERATIONS
number of iterations
--warmups WARMUPS warmups steps
--chains CHAINS number of chains
--thin THIN thinning factor
For instance, to launch 5 runs with the NumPyro backend and the comprehensive translation using PosteriorDB configurations except for the seed which is picked randomly at each run, the command is:
python --backend numpyro --mode comprehensive --runs 5
This will generate 5 csv files (one per run) duration_numpyro_comprehensive_i_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv
containing a summary of the experiments.
A test version of the experiments can be run for both
with the --test
option to verify the scripts on the entire set of examples with very few iterations.
python --backend numpyro --mode comprehensive --test
python --backend numpyro --mode comprehensive --test
The option --posterior
can be used to select a subset of examples to execute for both
The example must be one of the posterior with reference draws.
python --backend numpyro --posterior nes1976-nes earnings-earn_height
python --backend numpyro --posterior nes1976-nes earnings-earn_height
The script
can be used to analyze the results.
Option --logdir
specifies the repository containing the log files (default ./logs
Option --nopyro
can be used to ignore Pyro results (e.g., after running make scaled
which does not run the Pyro experiment).
The script
regenerates the plots of Figure 10 in pdf format to compare Stan NUTS, Stan ADVI, DeepStan NUTS, and DeepStan VI with explicit guides.
cd rq4
This will generate the files deepstan-vs-deepstansvi.pdf
, deepstansvi-vs-stanadvi.pdf
, and stan-vs-deepstansvi.pdf
The stan code is in the two files multimodal_model.stan
and multimodal_guide_model.stan
The last experiments are on deep probabilistic models and compare our Stan extension with hand-written Pyro code.
The variational autoencoder (VAE) example is in vae_model.stan
and the hand-written Pyro version with the comparison code is in
cd rq5
The script executes both versions and print the precision, recall, and f1 score on each on the standard output.
The MLP in DeepStan is in
and the hand-written Pyro version with the comparison code is in
This script prints the result of the comparison on the standard output and produce a file pyro-vs-deepstan.pdf
showing the distributions of accuracy of the sampled MLPs.