This is a portable implementation of Ed25519 based on the SUPERCOP "ref10" implementation. The ed25519cpp wraps c-based implementing modern c++17 dialect. Additionally there is some extension which make easier the work with base58-encoded strings and pair of keys based on ed25519.
- c++17
- cmake
- boost unitest installed includes (>=1.66, exclude 1.68!)
git clone
cd ./ed25519cpp; mkdir build; cd ./build
git clone
cd ./base64cpp; mkdir build; cd ./build
# mac os M1 universal bin
cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64;x86_64 ..
cmake --build . && cmake --build . --target=install
# or mac os Intel
cmake --build . && cmake --build . --target=install
ctest -C Debug -V
git clone
cmake -G Xcode \
cmake --build . --config Release && cmake --install . --config Release
- Centos7 (gcc v7.0)
- Ubuntu 18.04
- OSX 10.13, XCode10
#include "ed25519.hpp"
ed25519::Seed seed;
std::cout << "Seed base58 string: "<< seed.encode() << std::endl;
#include "ed25519.hpp"
if (auto pair = ed25519::keys::Pair::Random()){
std::cout << "ed25519 random keys pair: "<< pair->get_public_key.encode() << "/" << pair->get_private_key().encode() << std::endl;
#include "ed25519.hpp"
auto error_handler = [](const std::error_code code){
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Test error: " + ed25519::StringFormat("code: %i, message: %s", code.value(), + code.message().c_str()));
if (auto pair = ed25519::keys::Pair::FromPrivateKey(secret_pair->get_private_key().encode(), error_handler)){
std::cout << "ed25519 random keys pair: "<< pair->get_public_key.encode() << "/" << pair->get_private_key().encode() << std::endl;
// handling error
#include "ed25519.hpp"
if (auto pair = ed25519::keys::Pair::WithSecret("some secret phrase", error_handler)){
std::cout << "ed25519 random keys pair: "<< pair->get_public_key.encode() << "/" << pair->get_private_key().encode() << std::endl;
// handling error
#include "ed25519.hpp"
// create pair
auto pair = ed25519::keys::Pair::WithSecret("some secret phrase");
// some message
std::string message = "some message or token string";
// sign message return uniq_ptr siganture
auto signature = pair->sign(message);
if (signature->verify(message, pair->get_public_key())) {
// handle verified
// It is not available to create empty signature:
// auto signature = ed25519::keys::Pair::Siganture()
// only copy operations or restore from base58-encoded string
auto another_signature = ed25519::Signature::Decode(signature->encode());
// Handle errors when restoration
if (auto signature = ed25519::Signature::Decode("...some wrong encoded string ...", error_handler)){
// handle verified
else {
// handle error
auto digest = Digest([pair](auto &calculator) {
// set big endian
// little endian is default
std::cout << "Calculator endian: " << calculator.get_endian() << std::endl;
calculator.append((int)(1.12f * 100));
std::string title = "123";
std::vector<unsigned char> v(title.begin(), title.end());
// Encode to base58
auto base58 = digest.encode();
// Sign digest
auto siganture = pair->sign(digest);
if (siganture->verify(digest, pair->get_public_key())) {
// handle verified digest
// Restore from base58-encded string
auto digest_restored = Digest::Decode(digest.encode(), error_handler);
if (digest_restored && siganture->verify(*digest_restored, pair->get_public_key())) {
// handle restored and verified
# Requrements:
# Visual Studio, English Language Pack!
# GitBash
cd C:
git clone
cd /c/vcpkg/
/c/vcpkg/vcpkg integrate install
/c/vcpkg/vcpkg install gtest
# cmake integration