StoryTracker is a project to bring a fully functional web application for tracking story data to writers. It's written using the following components:
- MongoDB - A popular document database format for the modern web.
- Node.js - A modern tool for running JavaScript without a browser.
- Express - A framework for serving web content, for Node.js.
- Angular - A JavaScript framework for applications, developed by Google.
- Bootstrap - A CSS and JavaScript front-end to make things pretty, developed by Twitter.
Disclaimer This application is under heavy development, and there are probably (definitely) bugs. I take no responsibility for any harm this application does to the data you enter with it.
Nevertheless, I've gone to considerable effort to ensure that it is stable, reliable, and safe to use. If you are interested in helping develop it, feel free to submit your edits.
- View, add, edit, and delete story metadata including genre, wordcount, writing status, and comments.
- Log story readers and market submissions.
- See at a glance which stories are currently at markets or have sold.
- See detailed submission and reader statistics for your stories, such as number of rejections.
Download a backup of your information database at any time.(Not re-implemented yet.)- Responsive UI suitable for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
This is the client front-end only. To install StoryTracker locally, you need:
- The StoryTracker API (available here:
- Angular-CLI (to build the distributable files)
I'm a one-man show, and not a graphic designer. I can program what needs programming, but if you want it to look pretty, that's something I'm going to need help with. If you're a CSS master or graphic design wiz, and want to help, feel free to submit upgrades.