This repository provides a structured overview of the nba_api
library, highlighting its main components and functionality.
- stats
- players
- teams
- endpoints
- assisleaders
- comonplayinfo
- leadguedashstats
- live
- library
This section explains common NBA statistical terms and their abbreviations.
- Free Throws(FT)罚篮
- FTA:Free Throw Attempts
- FTM:Free Throws Made
- FT_PCT:Free Throw Percentage
- Three-Point Field Goals (3P)
- FG3A:Three-point Field Goals Attempted 三分出手次数
- FG3M:three-point filed Goals Made 三分命中次数
- FG3%:三分命中率,Three-point Field Goal Percentage
- Field Goals (FG)
- FGM:Field Goals Made 得分球数
- FGA:Field goals Attempted出手次数
- Other Metrics
- AST:assists助攻ing
- STL:steal 抢断
- PTS:points得分
- DREB:Defensive Rebounds 防守篮板
- OREB:offensive Rebounds 进攻篮板
- BLK:blocks 盖帽
- TOV:TrunOvers失误
- PF:personal Fouls 犯规
- PFS:personal fouls suffered 被犯规