Migration of gforge.inria.fr website
"Energy efficient mobile target tracking using flying drones"
"Optimal drone placement and cost-efficient target coverage"
- Formula 10 (right part): h_u+h_{u'} > dist(u,u')*tan\theta'
- the same at line 9 of Algorithm 1
- 10000-90000 m^2 terrain size, 100 events
- 40000 m^2 terrain size, 25-175 events
- 10000 m^2 terrain size, 10-50 events
- EC_i^t = \alpha * altitude_i^t, computed as the potential energy of an object (mass*gravity*height) (less realistic)
- EC_i = (\beta + \alpha*h_i)*\Delta t + P_{max}*h_i/U, where \alpha and \beta are motors coefficients, \Delta t is the amount of time the drone i will stay at altitude h_i, P_{max} is the maximum power of the motors, and U is the vertical speed of the drone. (\beta + \alpha*h_i)*\Delta t corresponds to the energy needed to maintain the drone at altitude h and P_{max}*h_i/U is the energy needed to rise the drone at the same altitude (more realistic).
Check Perl scripts
"Attractors" mobility model
"RWP" mobility model (fast animation)
"Random" mobility model\
"Attractors" mobility model
"Random Way Point" mobility model
"Random" mobility model
"Random" mobility model with call-n-go's\