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Repository files navigation


a subset of MongoDB's API (the most used operations) Simple Database, support mongo / memory / file driver

npm version coverage

How to use

  1. if use mongodb storage, need npm i mongodb, else use memory or file storage, need npm i nedb

    import { SDB } from '@s4p/sdb';
    // mongodb
    // npm i mongodb
    const mongoSDB = new SDB();
    // memory
    // npm i nedb
    const memorySDB = new SDB('memory');
    // file
    // npm i nedb
    const fileSDB = new SDB('file://${absolute_path}');
  2. create Schema Model

    const personSchema = {
      name: { type: 'string', required: true },
      age: { type: 'number', gte: 18, default: 20 },
      gender: { type: 'string', enum: ['male', 'female'] },
    const personModel = fileSDB.model<{ name?: string; age?: number; gender?: string }>(
  3. CRUD

    async countDocuments(query: Query<T>): Promise<number>;
    async createIndex(fieldOrSpec: string | object, options?: IndexOptions): Promise<void>;
    async deleteMany(filter: Query<T>): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject>;
    async deleteOne(filter: Query<T>): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject>;
    async dropIndex(indexName: string): Promise<void>;
    async find(query: Query<T>, options: FindOptions<T>): Promise<T[]>;
    async findOne(query: Query<T>, options: FindOptions<T>): Promise<T | null>;
    async insertMany(docs: InsertDoc<T>[], options?: CollectionInsertOneOptions): Promise<InsertWriteOpResult<WithId<T>>>;
    async insertOne(doc: InsertDoc<T>, options?: CollectionInsertOneOptions): Promise<InsertOneWriteOpResult<WithId<T>>>;
    async updateMany(filter: Query<T>, document: InsertDoc<T>, options?: UpdateOptions): Promise<UpdateResult>;
    async updateOne(filter: Query<T>, document: InsertDoc<T>, options?: UpdateOptions): Promise<UpdateResult>;
    async drop(): Promise<void>;



Nedb mongolass
