Deneyap Kart, designed and manufactured in Turkey, is a powerful development board with its strong MCU, robust design and flexible GPIOs. It allows the users in all levels (beginners to professionals) to create, design and develop projects in the fields of Electronics, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
For more information, please visit Deneyap Kart Technical Guide and Deneyap Kart Official Website.
- Install the latest Fritzing.
- Open the downloaded file. DeneyapKart.fzpz will be installed.
- When you exit the Fritzing program after completing your circuit drawings, the question "Do you want to keep the imported elements?" Proceed to the question by clicking the "Yes" button.
- "Do you want to save the changes you made in the bin "My Parts" ? Your changes will be lost if you don!t save them." save the file by clicking the "Save" button.
- In your next drawings, type "DeneyapKart" in the search field and add it to your drawings and start using it.