Object-oriented library for work with GitLab (merge requests primarily)
This library was developed as a backend for Merge Request Helper application. It does not support everything that is available via GitLab API but only a subset related to Merge Requests.
async private Task PrintCommitsAsync()
string host = "https://gitlab-server.com";
string token = "access-token";
string project = "group-name/project-name";
int iid = 1;
List<Commit> commits = await GetCommitsAsync(host, token, project, iid);
Console.WriteLine("Merge-Request with IId {0} has {1} commits", iid, commits.Count);
async private Task<List<Commit>> GetCommitsAsync(string host, string token, string projectName, int iid)
GitLabClient Client = new GitLabClient(host, token);
return (List<Commit>)(await Client.RunAsync(async (gitlab) =>
await gitlab.Projects.Get(projectName).MergeRequests.Get(iid).Commits.LoadAllTaskAsync()));
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Assert(ex is GitLabSharpException
|| ex is GitLabRequestException
|| ex is GitLabClientCancelled);