An ultra-fast parser for declarative command-line options for your shell scripts.
It implements the Docopt syntax and is written in Rust.
If you run coffee make --dark
for the following script...
#!/usr/bin/env bash
##? Coffee tool
##? Usage:
##? coffee make [--dark]
##? coffee drink
# This function can be included in a helper bash file
# and imported by all your scripts
args::parse() {
eval "$(/path/to/docpars -h "$(grep "^##?" "$0" | cut -c 5-)" : "$@")"
args::parse "$@"
if $drink; then
echo "Drinking coffee..."
elif $make; then
$dark && echo "Making dark coffee..." || echo "Making coffee..."
...then Making dark coffee...
should be printed.
The default implementation of docopt for shell scripts uses Python under the hood. You may want to use docpars instead in the following scenarios
This may be the case of CI/CD instances, minimal docker containers or environments where you may want to run some scripts but aren't equipped with your whole dev arsenal, such as Termux on Android or WSL on Windows.
Instead of installing Python you can simply drop a ~1MB static binary.
Benchmarks show that docpars is up to 5.7 times faster than the Python equivalent.
This may not be noticible for most use-cases but it may make the difference if your script is called inside a for loop, for example.
brew install denisidoro/tools/docpars
Using cargo
cargo install docpars
You can download binaries here.
They are available for OSX, Android and Linux with ARM and x86_64 variants.
git clone ~/.docpars
cd ~/.docpars
cargo install --path .
Most work was done in by BurntSushi, where the actual Docopt parsing is implemented.