Takes a string representing RGB or HEX code as input and outputs an object with the name of closest detected CSS color name. Also it can detect shades of all basic colors (for example: indianred, darkred and tomate are the shades of red color). It uses Euclid's distance formula in RGB dimension to calculate distance to closest color.
$ npm install detect-color
import { detectCssColor } from 'detect-color';
let color = detectCssColor("rgb(70,130,180)");
let color2 = detectCssColor("#00ff7f");
console.log(color.detectedColor); // => steelblue
console.log(color2.detectedColor); // => springgreen
As I said before, you can also detect shades of all basic colors. For example if you want to know if palegreen is a shade of green color, you can simply use detectColor()
function. It takes rgb or hex code of your shade color and returns closest found color.
import { detectColor } from 'detect-color';
let color = detectColor("#32cd32"); // limegreen
let color2 = detectColor("rgb(34,139,34)"); // forestgreen
console.log(color.detectedColor); // => green
console.log(color2.detectedColor); // => green