Quick search for radioactive emission lines from the Type Ia Supernova 2014J using data from the NuSTAR X-ray telescope.
Quick search for pulsed emission from AT 2018cow using data from the NuSTAR and XMM space telescopes.
Small tool to quickly align some Chandra images of SN 1987A. Also includes and energy filter.
Script used to determine the explosion coordinates of SN 1987A.
Various astronomy-related command-line utilities.
A minimalistic pipeline for visualizing data from the Fermi/LAT gamma-ray space telescope.
Use the timing tools to search for pulsations in XRT 000519 (Jonker et al. 2013).
Quick search for pulsed emission from neutron stars using data from the XMM and Chandra space telescopes.
General Python scripts for searching for pulsed emission. Includes the tdrpcas.py
High-performance parallelized C code for searching for pulsed emission from fast radio bursts.
Some scripts to compute NS/ULX properties and some ULX catalog tools.
Templates for the 3D visualization software VisIt.
Code for cross-matching observations from the XMM, NuSTAR, Swift, and Chandra X-ray telescopes.