Harmonize tools collection is a collection of web apps that assist with daily mundane HR tasks. Currently includes Organizational Chart Tool, Contract Generator Tool, and Tax Calculator Tool.
At root directory, use npm / yarn:
npm run install # install dependencies for nodejs server and 3 react apps
npm run build # build static files for the 3 react apps
npm start # start up development server - http://localhost:5000
At root directory, use npm / yarn:
git checkout -b <your-branch-name> # work on your own branch
cd server && nodemon app.js # Start up server (if working on / with api)
# Open another terminal
npm start --prefix clients/<your-client-name> # Work on your react app - http://localhost:3000
Master branch is for production CI / CD, it's connected to AWS CodePipeline & Elastic Beanstalk. Please test your new feature / changes before integrating them to master.