Overview: This project contains the implemenation of:
- IB-Tree: IBTree.py
- IB+-Tree: IBPlusTree.py
- Tuning algorithm (on-going)
- Evaluation, measurement tools (on-going)
- Dataset: listbuckets.txt & listbuckets_2.txt (extracted from New York City Taxi and Uber data sets)
Detailed descriptions:
- Evaluation_1.py: to verify the correctness of IB-Tree & IB+-Tree implemenation
- Evaluation_2.py: to evaluate the IB-Tree performance (in terms of number of scanned buckets and number of return buckets)
- Evaluation_3.py: to evaluate the performance of IB+-Tree
- IBTree.py: the class of IB-Tree
- IBPlusTree.py: the class of IB+-Tree & IB+DataBuffer
- Prepare_Data.py: to prepare input data for the evaluation (read data from postgresQL)
- Datafiles: listbuckets.txt, listbuckets_2.txt, listbuckets_sorted.txt, listbuckets_sorted_2.txt
- Prepare_Dataset.py: to download and insert data into postgresQL
- PLITypes package: some useful classes
- tools package: some useful tools/operations
- ExperimentalResults directory: contains experiment result (*.txt)
- Experiment of IB-Tree: IBTree_Test*.txt
- Experiment of IB+-Tree: IBPlusTree_Test*.txt