Fetch & parse @SBahnBerlin
tweets on the operating status of S-Bahn Berlin. Caveats:
- It guesses lines and stations just by their name. This is brittle.
- It relies on specific phrases & keywords commonly used by the
twitter account.
npm install sbahn-berlin-tweets
const fetchAndParseTweets = require('sbahn-berlin-tweets')
const [tweet] = await fetchAndParseTweets(1, {
formatLine: l => l.id,
formatStation: s => s.id
id: '1169225032700239872',
cause: 'medical-emergency',
effect: 'disruptions',
affected: ['S3', 'S5', 'S7', 'S9'],
runsOnlyBetween: null,
stations: ['900000024204'], // Savignyplatz
useLines: []
const parse = require('sbahn-berlin-tweets/parse')
id: '1169246704291524608',
text: [
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'S7'},
{type: 'plain', content: ': Wegen einer Weichenstörung in '},
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'Olympiastadion'},
{type: 'plain', content: ' verkehrt die S7 nur zwischen '},
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'Ahrensfelde'},
{type: 'plain', content: ' <> '},
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'Westkreuz'},
{type: 'plain', content: '. Der 10-Minutentakt kann nur zwischen Ahrensfelde <> '},
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'Charlottenburg'},
{type: 'plain', content: ' angeboten werden. Von/nach Olympiastadion/Spandau nutzen Sie bitte die Züge der '},
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'S3'},
{type: 'plain', content: ' und '},
{type: 'hashtag', content: 'S9'},
{type: 'plain', content: '.'}
cause: 'switch-failure',
effect: 'skipped-stops',
affected: [
// from the `vbb-lines` npm package
{id: '10162_109', name: 'S7'}
stations: [
// from the `vbb-stations` npm package
{id: '900000025321', name: 'S Olympiastadion'}
useLines: [
// from the `vbb-lines` npm package
{id: '10148_109', name: 'S3'},
{id: '10170_109', name: 'S9'}
runsOnlyBetween: null
– Augment VBB HAFAS responses with realtime data from other channels.vbb-disruptions
– Disruptions in VBB public transport.
If you have a question or need support using sbahn-berlin-tweets
, please double-check your code and setup first. If you think you have found a bug or want to propose a feature, refer to the issues page.