This application was generated by the MarkLogic-Node Slush generator, with the following components:
- AngularJS
- Gulp
- node.js: very thin layer, hosting the Angular code and proxying MarkLogic REST API requests
- Roxy Deployer: bootstrap MarkLogic databases, application servers, etc; scaffolding for MarkLogic REST API service extensions
- node.js
- npm: Built-in package manager for node (comes with
node, but check to be sure you have latest version:
npm install -g npm
) - gulp: Javascript task automation (
npm install -g gulp
) - Bower: A package manager for front-end libraries (
npm install -g bower
) - Git - Roxy depends on this version control system
- Ruby - Roxy depends on Ruby in order to run server configuration scripts
- MarkLogic - Requires Marklogic install (tested using 8.0-5.8)
Tested against Amazon Linux
- sudo yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel
- sudo npm install -g npm
- sudo npm install -g gulp
- sudo npm install -g bower
- sudo yum install git
- sudo yum install ruby
- download marklogic Binary from and install using "sudo yum install MarkLogic-RHEL6-8.0-5.8.x86_64.rpm --nogpgcheck"
- git clone
- cd marklogic-position-demo; npm install; bower install
- sudo /etc/init.d/MarkLogic start
- Navigate to http://hostname:8001/ to initialise the installation - using admin/admin as the password
- ./ml local bootstrap;
- ./ml local deploy modules;
- Go to http://hostname:8000 (admin/admin)
- Import workspace from /workspaces/position-setup.xml
- Select database "position-content" and Execute "1.a bitemporal setup"
- Select database "position-content" and Execute "1.b bitemporal setup"
- Select database "position-content" and Execute "2. load bitemporal documents" (note that you may have to change the directory to /data/position in the script - and potentially update your directory permissions to allow read/execute priv's)
- cd (e.g. ~/marklogic-position-demo)
- gulp serve-local
- Go to http://hostname:3000
The application is a Traded "Position Overview" GUI that allows you do to "as at" and "as was at" type queries.