Kick off your project with this default boilerplate. This starter ships with the main Gatsby configuration files you might need to get up and running blazing fast with the blazing fast app generator for React.
It is a modification of gatsby-starter-default
that uses TypeScript, ESM syntax, and twin.macro (combining tailwindcss and styled-components). Oh, and semicolons. Because I prefer them.
I was inspired by Christian Lobaugh's blog post which, however, used emotion rather than styled-components and also did not use TypeScript. Or semicolons. Except in CSS.
is for twin.macro and TypeScript, in case you still wondered.
This is a mini version that lacks a lot of the guiding comments from gatsby-starter-default
and also uses Tailwind classes wherever possible. If you are starting to learn Gatsby, you might rather like to use my gatsby-starter-tw-ts template that is more faithful to the original starter and uses "long-form" css styles.
See also the other official and community-created starters.