DES-Virt is the DES-Testbed virtualization framework.
To install all required packages on Debian or Ubuntu, run:
apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin python-libvirt vlan bridge-utils ebtables socat
To install all required packages on Fedora or Redhat, run:
yum install kvm libvirt libvirt-python vconfig bridge ebtables uml_utilities
Have a bug or feature request? Please create an issue here on GitHub!
Run ./ build install
to build and install desvirt on your machine.
In case you want to use desvirt with RIOT nodes: ./topology_creator --node-type riot_native --binary-file ../projects/ccn-lite-client/bin/ccn-lite-client.elf --size 9
To create a topology run ./topology_creator
which creates a 2x2 grid w/o loss .desvirt/grid2x2.xml
./topology_creator -h
Usage: topology_creator [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the size of the network
select type of topology
write xml output to FILE
a short description of the network
set the (default) loss rate for a unicast link in
-g HIGH_LOSS_RATE, --high-loss-rate=HIGH_LOSS_RATE
set the loss rate for a diagonal unicast link (only
meaningfull for grid topologies) in percent
-b BCAST_LOSS_RATE, --bcast-loss-rate=BCAST_LOSS_RATE
set the loss rate for a broadcast link in percent
-n NODE_DESC, --node-type=NODE_DESC
defines the node type (meshrouter or riot_native)
-r RADIO_NIC, --radio-interface=RADIO_NIC
the name and type of the radio interface (wlan or
-e BINARY, --binary-file=BINARY
the binary file for RIOT native
./vnet --define --name "grid3x3"
To run a topology run ./vnet --start --name "grid3x3"
which starts the grid.
./vnet -h
Usage: vnet [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --define set up persistent configuration
-s, --start set up virtual network, start all virtual machines
-q, --stop stop virtual network, shut down all virtual machines
-u, --undefine remove persistent configuration
-l, --list-defined list all defined networks
-v, --verbose increase verbosity