ZONE-project, give us a new approach of RSS feeds. True news monitoring tool, the software has a greater aggregation capacity than traditional RSS Readers combining the power of the semantic web. The informations received by the user are filtered according to several criteria, which makes him more relevant and efficient. For business usage of public usage, the application can meet their specific needs.
Go to our demonstration page, and clic on some filters.
If you want to have your own aggregating service: Install virtuoso and Rails, configure the ZONE-extractor/config/, ZONE-watcher/config/database.yml and ZONE-watcher/config/config.yml
git clone
cd ZONE-extractor
mvn install
mvn exec:java -pl ZONE-extractor-start&
cd ../ZeOntologyNewsExtractorUserRunner
rails s
go to http://localhost:3000/
The program can be used under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License , 3.0.
The documentation on this website is shared as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Christophe Desclaux (Polytech'Nice-Sophia, INRIA), from the begining (, to the end)
Blay-Fornarino Mireille - Managment of the christophe's end year project and help for papers publication
Bouaziz Ameni - work on SVM integration
El Fouzi Ilhame - work on clustering technologies
Faron Zucker Catherine - Managment of the christophe's end year project
Urli Simon - co-author of paper "constructing workflows for news semantic filtering"
This work has been partially funded by:
- INRIA, as a one year full time job for the core dev in the context of BoostYourCode contest, Nov 2012 - Nov 2013