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desht edited this page Jun 14, 2011 · 17 revisions



ScrollingMenuSign v0.4 (13/6/2011)

  • CraftBukkit RB 860 tested and supported now. RB 803 no longer supported (still likely to work, though).
  • If CommandsSigns is in use, we now require CommandSigns v0.8.7 minimum (recommended 0.8.11).
  • Tested with Permissions 2.7.4 and 3.1.5b.
  • If there is a syntax error in the YAML for scrollingmenus.yml or commands.yml, a backup is now made. This avoids the situation where they may be overwritten by an empty file, losing a lot of work. Check your server logs to ensure the files are successfully loaded.
  • It is now possible to remove menu items by label as well as index (e.g. "/sms remove mymenu label1")
  • New config item "autosave", true by default. When true, menus are saved to file after every change. When false, they are saved only on server reload/restart or explicit "/sms save" command.
  • New config items "no_physics" & "no_explosions" to protect menu signs from physics events (being broken off a wall/floor) and explosions. Both false by default, enable them if you don't want signs being broken at all. See Config for more details.
  • New config items affecting global menu display: "item_justify", "item_prefix.selected", "item_prefix.notselected". See Config for more details.
  • "/sms break" command can now take location of the sign to remove on the command line, e.g. "/sms break 100,65,-50,world". world is mandatory if on console, optional otherwise.
  • Feedback messages from signs can now be coloured (usual &X syntax) and may also use macro expansions like commands do. This may be useful if you want to display extended help text when clicking an entry.
  • If scrollingmenus.yml is edited directly and reloaded (/sms reload), any menus that you deleted in the file will now disappear properly from in-game (previously they stayed in game even though missing from the saved file).
  • The field separator string for /sms add is now a string literal, not a regular expression. Regexps are just unnecessarily complex for this simple application. The default separator in config.yml is now just '|', not '\|' - this will be auto-updated in your config if necessary. No user intervention needed.
  • Added /sms debug command to help track down problems. At the moment, only events are logged.

ScrollingMenuSign v0.3.3 (4/6/2011)

  • Fixed parameter count check when creating signs - forgetting to pass a title caused a NPE. Now gives a sensible error message.

ScrollingMenuSign v0.3.2 (2/6/2011)

  • Fixed a silly bug that ignored any sign the player was looking at when creating a menu.

ScrollingMenuSign v0.3.1 (2/6/2011)

  • Fixed uncaught IndexOutofBoundsException when removing entries from a menu
  • Adding menu entries which use special CommandSigns commands (/@, /* etc.) are now subject to the same permissions checks as if you were creating them on a CommandSign directly. E.g. you need commandSigns.super or commandSigns.super.fakeuser to create an entry with a /* command, etc.
  • Empty commands now do nothing, instead of making the user say a a line with no text. This can be useful if you just want a menu entry to give the user a feedback message and nothing else.

ScrollingMenuSign v0.3 (1/6/2011)

  • CommandSigns integration. If the CommandSigns plugin is present, ScrollingMenuSign can use its command parser to handle all commands. Strongly recommended - among other goodies, you get elevated permissions support, and economy support for free! See CommandSigns documentation for details.
  • Fully synchronised menu signs. What does this mean? One menu can now have any number of signs associated with it (even zero), each sign being an independent view on the menu's contents. Update the menu, all associated sign automatically reflect its contents.
  • Command macros. You can set up macros which call multiple commands, and can even call each other (yes, recursive loops are detected and stopped!)
  • All /sms subcommands can now be abbreviated to their shortest unique spelling. E.g. "/sms c" instead of "/sms create".

ScrollingMenuSign v0.2.1 (27/5/2011)

  • Fixed bug in /sms title where only the first word of a multi-word title was used
  • Most commands can now be used on the console (/sms create cannot be, and /sms show & /sms break can only be used if a menu name is passed)

ScrollingMenuSign v0.2 (26/5/2011)

  • Added colour support for menu titles & labels.
  • Titles are no longer blue by default - colour support means you can choose their colour yourself. However, any previously saved menus will have lost their colour after upgrading - sorry! You can re-colour them with the new "/sms title" command.
  • Added config file (config.yml) and "/sms getcfg" / "/sms setcfg" commands
  • Added "/sms title" command to change an existing menu's title
  • Menu item field separator for "/sms add" can now be set in configuration
  • Menu actions (left-click, right-click, mouse wheel) are now configurable.

ScrollingMenuSign v0.1.1 (25/5/2011)

  • Fixed NPE on sign creation in some circumstances
  • Fixed problem where menus were destroyed if any block was placed/removed beside a sign (bad processing of block physics event)

ScrollingMenuSign 0.1 (23/5/2011)

  • Initial release