Linkio.Space is a web application that allows you to keep all your connections with people and their business cards.
You can easily and quickly add new connections. All your business cards are stored and updated at any time.
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The idea of this app is to save the user's business cards. When the user signs up, the system automatically generates a 4-digit code that is unique. If a user wants to give his business card to somebody, he just has to provide this code. The platform has a search system that searches other users by using this user code. After the user's business card which is searched, is found, it can be added with just one click. The application has a user`s connections board, from where the user can see all his contacts. Every user profile can be edited and the new information for a user will be updated also for the people who have been saved his business card.
The app has a blue minimalistic design and it is easy to be used by everyone.
On http://localhost:8081/, there is the start page. It has welcome information with a logo, simple navigation bar, and footer with contacts.
On http://localhost:8081/home, there is the home page with buttons for Sign Up
and Log In
. The user can also use the navigation bar to sign up and log in.
The user can also use the navigation bar to sign up and login.
The application has two views for the administrator and for the user. Credentials for login as administrator are:
Password: admin123
Admin profile page (http://localhost:8081/profile) has information about the admin. The information can only be edited from the button EDIT YOUR INFORMATION
After editing the information, everything should be saved from the button SAVE
The admin view has Admin Board
(http://localhost:8081/admin/users) where all users and their information is visible.
Admin can delete users from the database.
Credentials for login as user are for exaple:
Password: 12345678
// The password is the same for all test users.
The user can also edit his profile as the administrator.
Every user has Connections
(http://localhost:8081/user/connections) board where can remove business cards or see details about his connections.
To search for a new business card, the user should go to Search
(http://localhost:8081/user/search), enter a code, and press the button for search. If the business card is found, the user can easily add it to his connections from the button ADD USER TO YOUR CONNECTIONS
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
To run this project you first need to install and set up:
- Java 11
java -version
- ApacheMaven v3.6.3
mvn -v
- PostgreSQL v12.4
- pgAdmin v4.20
- Node.js v12.18
node -v
- NPM 6.14
npm -v
- Vue 2
npm install vue
- Vue CLI v4.5
npm install -g @vue/cli vue -V
Clone the repo:
git clone
Set up the database for the project
In pgAdmin open Servers and then PostgreSQL Server. Go to:
Login/Group Roles -> Create -> Login/Group Role...
Create new user:
General: Name: linkio_space_user
Privileges: Can login? Yes.
Superuser? No.
Create role? Yes.
Create database? Yes.
Update catalog? No.
Inherit rights from the parent roles? Yes.
Can initate streaming replication and backups? No.
In pgAdmin open Servers and then PostgreSQL Server.
Go to:
Databases -> Create -> Database...
Create new database:
General: Database: linkio_space
Owner: linkio_space_user
Definition: Tablespace: pg_default
Create database tables and import data. Copy the two scripts (create_tables.sql
and insert_data.sql
) from here.
Go to Servers -> PostgreSQL Server -> Databases -> linkio_space -> Query Tool...
Paste scripts and click button Execute/Refresh
or clicl F5
How to set up PostgreSQL server on Linux?
Start pgAdmin and run:
cd linkiospace
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -f create_user_and_database.sql
cd linkiospace-backend/src/main/resources/db_postgresql
psql -U linkio_space_user -d linkio_space -f create_tables.sql
psql -U linkio_space_user -d linkio_space -f insert_data.sql
The first script set up new role and create database:
Role: linkio_space_user
Password: 1234
Database: linkio_space
The other two scripts create database tables and insert all data.
Start the back-end of the project:
cd linkiospace/linkiospace-backend mvn spring-boot:run
It is running on
.To restart, first kill the process:
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8080)
And run the previous command to start it again.
Start the front-end of the project:
cd linkiospace/linkiospace-ui npm run serve
It is running on
.To restart, first kill the process:
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8081)
And run the previous command to start it again.
Everything is ready. Go to
. Enjoy! 😉
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
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