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OAuth Setup

Marco Stambor edited this page Jul 17, 2016 · 1 revision

UPDATE 17.07.2016: It seems like Yahoo removed the authentication again. While the library still supports it, you may skip this step now.

As of March 15, 2016 Yahoo enforces authentication when accessing some portions of their API. You now need to register an application in the Yahoo Development Network and use the library with the client key and secret received by Yahoo.

Aquiring Client Key and Secret

To aquire the client key and secret needed for authenticating with the Yahoo APIs you need to create an application inside the Yahoo Developer Network. There is not much to fill out but three things are worth mentioning:

  • As for "Application Type", select "Installed Application"
  • Do not enter a "Callback Domain"
  • Do not check any of the boxes below "API Permissions"

You can view your key and secret once you click the "Create Application" button.

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