My name is Renato Montufar, I am a mobile developer, I love UI/UX and I am learning new things all the time. Feel free to contact me! 😀
· Spanish ·
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if some project helped you!
Supercines | IronMan Suits |
Peliculas-app | Slide the Space game |
Batman SigIn | Flutter Designs |
GGT Store (Private) | Rotom Phone |
Flutter Widgets | Widget of the week |
Animations | API Practice |
GitHub - Introduccion a la comunidad de Git y GitHub en Español
DevTeam 504 - Clean Architecture in Flutter
Flutter Honduras - Dependency Injection in Flutter
Flutter Guatemala - Rest API y manejo de errores con Flutter
MOBILE CR DEVELOPERS - Introudcción a Flutter
Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala - Conferencia IEEE
Flutter Guatemala - Introducción al Testing