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Borislav Itskov edited this page Apr 4, 2017 · 1 revision


This is an overall description of the processes the user goes through in the system. It all begins with...


In the registration process, the user sets a couple of valuable properties:

  • Category - the sphere which he wants to specialize in ( Front End / Back End ). The sphere chosen is only one and tasks assigned to the user will only be from the chosen category.
  • Availability - how many hours can the user partake each day for the completion of his tasks. We calculate the time estimation in days for each user depending on how many hours he's available. Example - a task is estimated at 4 hours, the user can work 1 hour a day => he has 4 days to complete his task.

After all of that's done, he proceeds to his dashboard.


The dashboard is where all the task of the user are displayed. If he's chosen Front End for his category, only Front end task will be displayed in a straightforward way:

  • All the tasks have an order, chosen from the admin. They are displayed that way.
  • Only the first task is available to the user. The other are locked.
  • The user starts doing his first task. After he's done, he proceeds to his submission.
  • When he completes his submission successfully, the next task in the list gets unlocked. A successful submission is either an exam completed without a mistake or an approved answer from the admin. ( More about this -> in the admin section )
  • He proceeds to his next task until there are no more tasks left.
  • Each task gives the user experience points. The point is to collect > 450 points.

That's it for the dashboard.


Extra experience points are rewarded for users with special submission:

  • Public Activity - has the person been a lecturer, does he write articles about the sphere he's interested in or has he helped someone / somewhere ( helping getting someone drunk doesn't count )
  • Stack Overflow Account - let's see his reputation.
  • Contributions - Has he contributed to an open source project.
  • Side Project - does he have a project, small or big, that he runs in his free time.

These submissions can be made from the bonuses screen.

Point of Project

The point of the project is to test the skills of the user and educate him along the way with curious stuff he doesn't know about. And, of course, to have fun.

Beating DevChallenge means collecting more than 450 experience points.

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