This work is based on, credit to them.
- Install pinia-orm if you haven't already
npm i pinia-orm
- Run
artisan piniamodels:generate
- Code will be generated into
by default
By default, hidden fields are excluded and all other fields, mutators and relationships are included
- Create a new command
- Add the following code
use Dev1437\PiniaModelGenerator\PiniaModelsBuilder;
// Default
$pmb = new PiniaModelsBuilder();
// Specify a different path e.g. to have the model put in resources/ts/pinia
$pmb = new PiniaModelsBuilder(resource_path('ts/pinia'));
// Generate code for specific models
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Post;
$pmb = new PiniaModelsBuilder(null, [], [
// Specify options for specific model e.g. Include hidden fields and remove email_verified_at from User
use App\Models\User;
$pmb = new PiniaModelsBuilder(null, [
User::class => [
'ignoreHidden' => false,
'filters' => [
Each model contains two blocks
/* --- user header --- */
/* --- end user header --- */
/* --- user code --- */
/* --- end user code --- */
Any code written in these blocks will be persisted when the models are regenerated